Thursday, December 8, 2016


My miracle man!!
He's been awake for about 10 hours trying to come out of the fog of sedation.
His vital signs have been stable. He isn't requiring any oxygen.
We don't have a definitive plan yet, but they are thinking open heart on Tuesday or Wednesday.
He will remain in hospital until that time.
Our family is so thankful for all of you. I'm getting bits and pieces of the story from the events prior to arrival in the ER.
Nani Bartholick Ryan Malm Kristin Stever Wolfe Dallin weeks Keith and others. You did ALL the right things. You saved his life. Thank you for being a family to him. He loves you. 
Even though you make fun of all the missed box jumps and scraped shins.
Madison County Paramedics. You will always be my heroes. I love you forever.
Jennica Watson Hirrlinger thank you for giving Howie a love for crossfit. For taking him trail running. Telling convincing him that spartan competition would be fun.
I love my neighbors and co-workers and so many at Madison Memorial who have reached out with love and prayers and support.
My family. Oh my family. I love you.
And Howie. You are my miracle. 
But no. Even though you keep asking.... you can't go to crossfit in the morning.

1 comment:

Julia said...

Such a bittersweet story that is full of love.
Hugs, Julia