It's easy to take a sledgehammer to the walls, shower tiles and stuff, but the putting back together, well, that's a different story. Remodel is painful, expensive and time-consuming! Besides being busy at work and having to travel more than we like him to and being the bishop, well, let's just say he doesn't have a lot of free time. I have been patient and understanding until TODAY! Now I have to wait for the grout to cure for 4 days and then I can wipe it all down with a vinegar solution and then wait for another 3 days! Grrr... I don't want to wait anymore! I want it done NOW!
I know, I'm very high maintenance.
Be sure to post on my Give away (previous post) to win a watch or awesome drug rep pens!
We had out bathtub tile regrouted, and it was the best thing we could have done.
I'm still hoping for those drug rep pens. (ha-ha) Glad it will be done soon and then you can have another that you need to clean.
High maintenance -- you is not.
Hey Grams-I know a particular Howard "N" that isnt doing anything this weekend besides buidling a dog house...if Howard "L" needs some help. Im volunteering because I know he would love to help!
I am so happy for you. You have waited a long time for this. But yet another bathroom to clean!! That is not the up side. That is why we built our house in the winter, so my husband could focus his time and energy on it. There are still a few things that need finished. I wonder how long it will be for me? Hopefully not a year, but you never know.
Ha ha. Men. Yeah, finishing projects is not my hubby's thing either. He put a beautiful backsplash in our kitchen a couple years ago, but has still not fixed it so the light switch covers can go back on. They're all hanging out of the walls.
Woo Hoo.. That is terrific news. I love when you finally get things done. It makes you appreciate it. You are not high maintenance girl. I can tell that. You are gorgeous but gracious.
I am going to link your giveaway on my next post.
I just want you to know I am glad to hangout with you in bloggerland. I love your wisdom and it has been fun meeting someone else who understands the blessings and struggles of being a nurse.
Check it out--I put a shout out for your give away
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