Friday, January 14, 2011

Chocolate Winner

This past Wednesday CNN reported that EVERY state in the nation had snow.
Even Hawaii! (True story!)

My hubby is flying home today.

From Florida.

"Welcome home honey!"

"There's a few things you need to do before you leave AGAIN on Sunday!"

Congrats to commenter Raders Out Loud! You are the chocolate winner!
It will be nice to get them out of the house.


Anonymous said...

I heard that about FL too! His trip to FL was perfect timing! Congrats to the chocolate winner.

Have a nice weekend. I do hope your hubby won't have a tan!!!

Lisa Loo said...

Can't believe out of 50 states he got to be in the one with no snow!

That quite a pile he has to shovel!

Anonymous said...

Ouch, what a shock that will be to come from Florida to all that snow...hope he took some warm socks and coat to wear getting from the plane to home. Your snow pictures are nice, the snow is pretty.

gigi said...

I heard that on the news too! We've been dang cold in GA. Happy weekend!

Furry Bottoms said...

Your poor husband!!! I had heard the same thing on the news--- all states except florida!

jen said...

we even had snow in MESA! Just enough to see why falling from the sky, but still!

Ann Marie said...

I did not know this ifo about the snow! Holy Moly!! Thank you Reporter Tauna!!

Happy for the winner!!
Sad for me.. :P

Lisa said...

Curse you and your rigged chocolate give-away! Ah, well. I guess I'll just have to make due with my enormous stash of good n plenties. Sure would have been nice to wash them down with creamy covered caramel. But whateverrrrrr.

Cluttered Brain said...

Yay for chocolate.
Your hubby better get busy. You might be buried with snow before too long....*sigh*

Mikki said...

Funny and fitting. I'm glad you saved him a little work to do when he gets home.

TisforTonya said...

that is quite the welcome!

he may never leave again... or never come home again... (he'd of course have you join him though)

although - if he walks in all tan and happy after your freezing week you might not want to :)

Saimi said...

That's right Honey! Time to take off those shorts and start shoveling!! HA!!
My goodness did the snow ever fall, but then I always said that little town is a sister city to Antarctica. Two of my boys lived there and I tell ya, that place has it's own weather system!

CB said...

Ha Ha Poor Howard!! Man oh man!!
Dang Rader - getting my stinkin' chocolate!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I heard about that and I am sure that has to be some record!
Congrautlations to Raders Out Loud!

Lisa @ Pulsipher Page said...

Did I miss a chocolate giveaway? Darn!

Karen Mello Burton said...

That snow would not have been a welcomed site, coming home from Florida!!

Barbaloot said...

Wow-even Hawaii?!

I'd be bitter about the chocolate, but I really love Radars and think she deserves it:)

LKP said...

i'm so jealous of all your snow! we got snow that day, but only for like 5 minutes. it's been rainy and soggy ever since. :(

Yvonne said...

The last few days we have gotten so much snow.

Congrats to Raders Out Loud--ENJOY.

mCat said...

Just looking at the snow seems to make my pissy!

And congrats to Radar's since your chocolates are THE BEST!!!!

wendy said...

And anyone who gets to go to Florida...with warmth and sunshine
DESERVES to come home to snow
just saying
as I sit in my 0 degrees up here.
Over it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and lucky chocolate winner.

wendy said...

and one little thing on your hubby's behalf...
baby it's cold outside
keep him warmed up (wink**)

Devri said...

I know right! I think there calling it global warming. sheesh!

Victoria said...

While I'm sure there's snow somewhere in Cali, it's not HERE! We had a high of 80 yesterday!!!

Homer and Queen said...

Yes I am getting out of my death bed to read your blog and seriously...I cried!!! You rock!

life in red shoes said...

And as far as your sewing room being the cleanest in the house? Just shows you have your priorities in order:)