Thursday, September 2, 2010

Randomness and GIVEAWAY

I'm in a blump. (blog slump)
But I'm loving reading everyone's blogs.
All the first day of school sweet.
I so remember those days.

I have some randomness.

-I get to work this weekend.
-I worked Memorial weekend.
-I worked 4th of July weekend.
-I work Labor Day weekend.

What's with that?

I'm going to post pictures of some of the stuff I see over Labor Day weekend and seeing if ya'll can give me the diagnosis.
I'll give a prize to the winner.

-I get to meet a blog friend this weekend. It's gonna be fun. (Would blog+friend=a blend?)

-I am going to house 4 students in my apartment for this sememster due to the over-admission of the nearby university and not enough housing.
I'm not sure how I feel about that.
I will miss my hot water.

-My hubby fixed my screen and put back the ladder.
He's awesome.
He didn't laugh too much.

-Some doctors are jerks. Just sayin'
They don't know everything.
I should do another episode of "Ask a Nurse"

-I got my Fall decorations up.
I'm not ready for Fall.

Last week our high temp was 65 degrees.
Next week there may be snow.

-I have only eaten 5 tomatoes out of my garden.

-I need a caption to go along with this picture.
He's a coworker.
He's looking at a sample of something biohazardous.

So give a funny caption to go along with his expression.
I'll send the funniest some of my hand-dipped chocolates. (I am going to be doing a little dipping in a couple of weeks.)
You can see what it looks like when I dip chocolates here.

-I have to work this weekend with her:

No, these are NOT medications she's hoarding.
It's chocolate milk.
She has issues.
Do ya feel sorry for me?

OK, so two prizes for ya.
#1 I'm gonna show a picture (It won't be R-rated) and you have to diagnose it.
#2 Give a funny caption to the picture of Alan.

Winners will receive chocolates from moi.
Sunday at noon. I'll have my weekend coworker besties judge.


Shauna said...

I am SOOOO in!!! Those chocolates look heavenly... Ok I will be back with a thought for the photo soon!

tammy said...

I agree about the doctors. I could say the same thing about dentists after working for them for so many years. Most of them didn't realize how important their staff was to their practice.


I'm in a blump too.

Valerie said...

Not much worse than an arrogant, know-it-all doctor! I've dealt with a couple of 'em during my son's recovery (Psychiatrist was the worst!)
On the flip side, nothing better than a competent, compassionate nurse! :)
Can't wait for the pictures~ sounds fun!(?)

Valerie said...

P.S. Clearly, you weren't referring to my back to school post! :)

Cluttered Brain said...

"Huh? This isn't the hair re-growth formula I asked for? Grrr...."
"It smells good though. Hmm..."

That's my caption for the guy at work. Like it? LOL.

I think I deserve some hand-dipped chocolates just cause though. Cause I am da BOMB at making you spit out your drink when you read my blog...
Are you down with that?

I'll be able to come up with something soon for you. As soon as my money tree grows and I can buy a video camera....*sigh*

Love ya babe!

And I am SO JEALOUS that you get to work in a hospital as a nurse...Ahh. My DREAM.
That will be me.
With the crazy co-worker who uses bio hazardous material as a hair gel re growth
:) Hope I WIN! :)
No body is as funny as me, are they?
Never. (lol.)

Shauna said...

Here's my funny caption entry for the pic...


Cluttered Brain said...

Are you going out with Serene this weekend? YOU LUCKY DOG!
Both of you drive to Vegas this winter and come see me!!!
Well, stop in Mesquite first.
I've got T. Remember? :)
T is for Tonya. :) That would be SO much FUN!

Saimi said...

I do appreciate your comments on my posts and I thank you for that!

As for your friend Alan the first thought that came to mind, and I don't cuss mind you, but the look on his face says, "Oh, %$@#%&!"

Randomness is great! I always get a kick out of reading your blog.

Cluttered Brain said...

Blog slump you say?
Need a funny guest blogger to get you out of your slump?
Perhaps I could guest blog for you sometimes...
If you can handle that.

No drinking allowed.

Julie Harward said...

I love your random-ness...always interesting and blog slump..I don't think so!
The guy..."You say it will do what?!" "I am not wrong!!!"
Not so hot I know...oh well...The lady under him with all the bottles of that is funny, she looks like she is saying."Yes, All mine!" ...have a good fall :D

Shauna said...

Love this post woman :)

Kristina P. said...

DOn't you have some type of seniority to lord over everyone's head?

Anonymous said...

blog + friend = blend
friend + blog = frog
have fun meeting your blogging buddy! would that be a bloody!

gigi said...

Just send chocolates please.

Laura said...

Okay, my caption...

"I want my mama."

I DON'T KNOW! This caption thing is HARD! All I know is the look on his face is mildly terrified. Poor fellow.

wendy said...

HEY, I just spent 3 days at a hospital...I bet I can do a diagnosis.
any bare butts???

and as for the caption
"Not Another Enema"

I love chocolates...hand dipped of course

sorry you have to work over the long weekend.

Would you like a stint up here with me since I have to "nurse" hubby for several weeks.
By the end of that, I may have to throat punch him.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Sorry you have to work. You are very brave having those students stay in the apt. Have a nice weekend.

TisforTonya said...

he looks like he's thinking "hey, I think you were supposed to leave that part IN the patient, you'd better stick it back before they notice"

and if I win you can send my chocolates to April - because although my husband ADORED the ones I brought home the last time... April needs them more!

and "blend" is perfect, glad you have so many blends around (and yes, you'd be welcome to come down anytime... I bet it's getting COLD where you are!)

See Mom Smile said...

Nurses are goddesses. You know my hubby is a doc and when he comes home and tries to talk to me like I work for him I have to remind him I am not a nurse! As much as I like to write, I am horrible at captions.
Here goes:

Bring Me Some Hosenfeffer!

LKP said...

"for 50 bucks? alright, i'll drink it!"


ditto on the doctors!

can't wait to see you. so stoked!

is that reed's dairy chocolate milk??!?!??!?!??!?!?!?!?!? i'm so going through idaho withdrawls! more than you know. =)

k, see you in less than half a day ;)

Lisa said...

Okay, caption~

"You pulled that out of my WHAT?!"

I've been blumping right along with you. Know it all ANYTHINGS/ANYONES are just barely tolerable in my world. And don't you think what goes around, comes around? Yeah. It does. So SUCK IT, Mr. High and Mighty Doctor!

Geez, I wish I'd called when I was at the dunes, so as to meet up with you. Would have made it much more enjoyable.

Barbaloot said...

I wish I could think of a funny caption! I want some chocolates.

Have fun housing students, by the way?

Maybe that's what the captions says: "So, you're telling me I have to either house 4 college students or eat the biohazardous material? Isn't there any other option!?"

Charlotte said...

I want to play the mystery diagnosis. Of course I might have some help. It is a small consolation for having to live with a doctor (although his nurses swear he is the nicest one of the bunch. Does that help?)

Kim said...


"What the $#@! you want to stick WHAT--WHERE?!?!?!

Life is good! Lucky! Have fun with LPK!

We really need to try to get together real soon and I mean soon.

The Crash Test Dummy said...

I lub your randomness.

Serene is my name, not my life! said...

You are a goddess. I want to be like you when I grow up.'

Who is the blogging buddy you get to meet? I'm already jealous they get to hang out with you.

And I'll mourn your loss of hot water.

Here's my caption.
"Toxic waste? Now there's an understatement."

~Wyatt~Brittney~Brecken~Oliver~ said...

ok. . .so here is my caption. . .

"I totally just "tooted", I don't think anyone heard. . .but will they believe me if I blame the smell on the last patient?!"

If I don't win I may be tempted to travel the 1500 miles and show up at your door begging for some anyway. . .

P.S. nice work on getting all your fall stuff already! I was just thinking I should get mine out. . . maybe tomorrow during nap time!

Mikki said...

"I don't know if I should drink this, or use it to clean my toilet."
--that's my caption in case you're wondering.
Wow, four students in your house? You are brave. Good luck with the hot water issues.
Sorry you have to work this weekend, I somehow managed to schedule myself off all three days. Hmmm, life IS sweet!

mCat said...

"I told you to stop playing with that, now look - you've grown a third nipple!"

And yes, some docs are SO AWFUL!!!
In my experience cardiologists are the WORST!

Kimmie said...

Tauna, I always know I will get a good laugh when I visit your Blog!

BOOOO that you have to work yet another 3 day HOLIDAY weekend! Hope you get to do something AFTER work each night!

Love all of your random things you posted about...gardens aren't doing the best this year...hope you get LOTS more tomatoes. I've had zucchini, cabbage and beans so far.

It's definitely been a CHILLY week...I want our 80 degree weather back!

Howard's awesome and you and he are the cutest couple ever! I wonder if it would be worth it to add in another hot water heater so you have 2 of them so you can have PLENTY of hot water for all.

YAY that you get to meet a "blend" this weekend! SO lucky and excited that I get to go on a long drive with you in a month to the Blogging retreat...BOY am I the LUCKY one!!

Anywho, thanks for your may be in a blog slump, but you ALWAYS find time to visit and comment on all of our blogs and I LOVE all of your sweet things you say. You are what they call a TRUE friend!!

Happy weekend and I hope you are able to do something FUN despite having to work! (you should go out and explore the Civil Defense Caves with Howie after work...they are just north of the Sand Dunes). I'll email you directions...they're something fun to do that's not a very long drive to get to.

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

OH how much fun! Can't wait to see the who you pick...your dipped chocolate sounds yummy.
Ok he is saying"Oh God not another one of these again...give me a break!"
I so enjoy your site...I don't think of you in a slump.
Girl you are brave letting students stay...will you have any chocolate left with them there. lol
Love ya

Homer and Queen said...

Just send me chocolates anyway. AND...I KNOW nurses know more than most doctors. Trust me on that one. Just send me chocolates anyway.K?

Karen Mello Burton said...

I have never done a giveaway. I am the most boring blogger ever.

I love the chocolate milk lady... I think we may be related.

Yvonne said...

I hope you have a great weekend--in spite of having to work.

Good for you housing some students--I think it sounds like great fun and will give you lots of blog fodder ; )

April said...

Are they your chocolates? Your yummy chocolates? I have been in blump all spring and summer. Booooo! But I think I feel a spark coming! Miss ya!

Queenie Jeannie said...

You want me to work for my chocolates??? Humph!! I thought you loved me best???

Loved the very funny post!! Except for the working-for-chocolates-thing. That was just wrong!

Scrappy Girl said...

Dr. hubby was a real butthead yesterday so I will agree DOCTORS SUCK sometimes!

Kim totally took my caption and now I got nothing.

Connie said...

"Tauna, I thought you said THESE were your dipping chocolates!!"

I know I'm late. I haven't read any of your other captions. I'm a real nerd.

Can't wait to see what ailments arrived at the ER this weekend.

Connie said...

There's not a problem with hoarding chocolate milk, unless you don't ever drink it!

Beth at Aunties said...

I hope my sons always remember where they came from...they are still way too poor to be arrogant!!!
Good luck with the students:)
O.K. for some chocolates...
He actually reminds me of a dear friend's husband who said to me at our stake Clerk's office once,

"Well, someone has to do it. (Whine, whine) At least I get to go home and sleep with a hot grandma afterwards!"

gigi said...

"Whaaaaa.... I only had 4 tomatoes, at least you had 5!"
That's my picure caption.

Braden Bell said...

Darn, I am late to the contest. I am sorry you had to work all those holidays. That really stinks, worse than an ER, in fact. I hate that for you

I hope they are compensating you for taking those nursing students on--or at least requiring them to do some chores around the house :)