Saturday, September 11, 2010

That we may NEVER forget.

I've been canning.
Which happens to be on the back patio.
I've been up and down a flight of stairs a bazillion times.

Ya, seriously. I have.

I've canned 42 quarts of Spaghetti Sauce!


Now I'm cooking down a quadruple batch of
Connie's Salsa.

It smells divine.
I wish I had Smell-o-Vision!
Cuz you would love it!

I'm going to let it simmer all day tomorrow.
I don't want to can anything tomorrow.

Cuz it's Sunday.
A day of rest.

A day of worship.
I need it.

My hubby and I took a few moments out of the evening to attend a
Patriotic Ceremony at the firestation.

Our Paramedics and our Firefighters put on a spectacular program.
To remember:


I had a son serve a Tour of Duty
Because of 9/11.

I will NEVER EVER look at the flag the same.

Because of that day.

Because my son served.

Our firefighters and paramedics also played Amazing Grace on the bagpipes.

I love bagpipes.

I also love the paramedics and firefighters.
I work closely with them because
I work in the ER.
I feel honored to know them.

They presented a flag to Brady Howell's brother.
Brady was a local young man who died in the Pentagon on that fateful day.

They also unveiled a monument in honor of 9/11
They have pieces of the Twin Towers in that monument.
I felt overwhelmed.

I love our flag.

It was a very moving ceremony.


That we may never forget.

Note from Monday morning:
The salsa has simmered since Saturday night in my turkey roaster.
My house has smelled wonderful.
It's a thick and yummy tasting.
Off to put it in jars now!


Kristina P. said...

I support Adam becoming a firefighter, but man, when I think about today, it kills me.

Connie said...

This day was truly a sad, devastating, scary day, nine years ago!

Hope the salsa turns out well! I need your spaghetti sauce recipe. Oh yeah, and are all the tomatoes from your very own garden? Our tomatoes are not plentiful this year! :(

Kirsten said...

I'm sure it was a really nice ceremony!

I should can some Spaghetti sauce! Yours and the salsa look awesome! I think I can smell your salsa from here! I did 42 quarts of peaches today! Woohoo! It burned me out! I'm not much of a canner but I LOVE the results when I'm done!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

No Connie they are NOT my tomatoes. I'm sorta embarassed to admit it, but they are made from #10 cans of diced tomatoes. Ya, I'm a loser.
But my tomatoes froze and I'm really OK with that.

As for your salsa, it's a good thing I don't have any tortilla chips, cuz I may just sit down in front of that roaster and start dipping and eating already. It smells heavenly.

On Monday I'm going to the store to buy more #10 cans of diced 'maters and I'm doing another quadruple batch!

I think your salsa is going to turn into the evil mistress. My hubs is NOT leaving it alone!

LKP said...

man, you're flat out AWESOME!!!
can-o-rama at your place. i seriously wish i'd stayed longer, just so i could help ya with all this and learn tons.

i think i've got most of what i need, but lack the know-how. so you're my canning guru!

also wish we'd been there for the 9/11 ceremony. sounds breathtaking.

::massive hugs today!::

LKP said...

did you know that sept 11th has always been significant for the pentagon?
september 11th, 1943 is the day ground was broken for the construction of the pentagon! learned that today. crazy huh?

Mikki said...

That's a lot of spaghetti sauce! Yummm, I bet it tastes great.

I can't believe it's been nine years already. I don't think I'll ever forget the events of that morning...where I was, exactly what I was doing. One of the best things to come out of it was the unity of our country and the reverence to the flag. I remember all the firefigters out on the street corners and at traffic lights the few days and weeks following, collecting money in their boots. It was a horrible, horrible time and event, but I love how it brought people together.
Feels like this country has made a complete 180* from that. So sad.

Lisa said...

Wonderful post!

Anonymous said...

Thanks to your son for his service to our country. Like you, I will never look at our Flag the same again. God bless America.

You are very smart to do all the canning. It must have smelled heavenly simmering!

Hope you have a blessed Sunday Tauna.

Holly said...

I agree about the flag. It pains me that so many have forgotten the reality of that tragic day and all those who lost their lives, and those that sacrificed so much for our country...

I love bagpipes, too. ;D

You are AMAZING with ALL that canning! I CAN almost smell it from that pic!! I have a GREAT imagination... YUM!

Anonymous said...

what a beautiful tribute to that sad sad day!

TisforTonya said...

beautiful - I fought the tears all day yesterday... couldn't even bring myself to read/watch the memorials... Nine years doesn't seem possible.

Can I focus on Salsa to keep from tearing up? Looks delish - you are on amazing Betty Homemaker you know?

and Amazing Grace on bagpipes is the biggest reason I love going to the Payson parades... their bagpipers march every year!

Kim said...

9/11 will always hold a place in my heart because there were many things I learned from that fateful day.

I too will never look at the flag or the service men in the same way. There is a family in our neighborhood whose husband served 2 tours. It has changed my perspective on many things and I am grateful to him and your son for their willingness to serve our country.

I want some salsa!!!! Sounds nummmy!

Momza said...

Sounds like your day was spent doing things you love and showing honor to your family and country.
It is a day we will never forget.

Scrappy Girl said...

Canning red sauce...are you italian? Teresa from Real Housewives of NJ would be so She cans red sauce. Did you know italian women can not participate in canning "red sauce" if it is their "time of the month."

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Sounds like it was a beautiful ceremony. We will never forget.
Wow, I have never made my own sauce. I bet it's delicious.

Karen Mello Burton said...

The ceremony looks like it was really nice and reverent. I love that.

Good on you for canning. Nothing for me this year. But once I get my apples off the tree I am hoping to do apple pie filling.

Barbaloot said...

Thanks for sharing this. It's nice to read about the patriotic events that took place yesterday.

And the canning looks like lots of work. Good for you!

Kimmie said...

WOW! I can’t believe you have canned all that tomato yummyness! You are SUPERWOMAN!! I can’t wait to try Connie’s Salsa recipe! I haven’t made salsa for years, because I had many a batch of salsa not turn out well and I hated to waste ingredients and so I just buy bottled salsa. YAY for another recipe to try!!

BTW…if you are ambitious, you may want to try out Connie’s bottled tomato soup recipe. It is DELICIOUS and tastes fresh and homemade. My kids just love it. It is an awesome thing to have on hand for quick dinners when you don’t have time to cook and is amazing with grilled cheese sandwiches. (here is the link:

I still remember leaving for work on 9-11-01 and watching LIVE as the Twin Towers were struck. I remember worrying all day at work wondering what would become of that tragedy. I still remember staying up all night watching as Peter Jennings broadcasted about the devastating events!! I miss that man!!

Our neighbor is a Firefighter and has been learning the bagpipes all year for the number that they performed yesterday. SO happy you could go and support them!! LOVED your touching thoughts you shared.

Happy week AND happy canning!!

Valerie said...

Quite a busy day. I can't believe anyone can can that much in one day! What a great way for you to remember 9/11. It sounds very special and touching.

Controlling My Chaos said...

Can we see pics of the canning? I love canning pics.

Anonymous said...

Very nice tribute. I love bagpipes too. Fire fighters, law enforcement people, paramedics and all in the medical field have a special place in my heart.

I am kinda glad we can't smell all that wonderful spaghetti sauce and salsa my mouth watered just looking at the pictures.


Serene is my name, not my life! said...

I honor you and your son for his service to me and to this country.

And you had enough from your garden to can? I'm so very jealous!

I love salsa, I'll definitely be checking out that recipe!

Laura Lynn said...

It sounds like you are canning up a storm!
I love the bagpipes.
I will never forget either. So much has changed in these past 9 years but we can't worry about what the future will bring either. We just have to push along and do our best and hope.

Julie Harward said...

The salsa sounds and smell wonderful...yes, I could smell it! I will never forget either..what a morning that was, I have never been so scared! God bless our troops and all those who give! :D

Braden Bell said...

Glad you posted this, Tauna. I lived in NYC on 9/11 and have very strong feelings about this day. I'm glad your stake remembered it.

CB said...

That is so neat that they had a ceremony like that.
I love the flag too!

You go girl on the canning. I totally do not can and I didn't know you could let things simmer for so long. I bet your house smelled SOOOOO Goood!!!

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

Honey thanks for doing such a beautiful 911 post. It is a day that we all should remember and to honor those who lost their lives.
You sure know how to make this ole grandma hungry with your canning.
Wow you are one busy lady. Working 12 hour shifts at the ER and then coming home and doing all of this.
It is good thing I can not smell it the vision is enough. haha
Thanks sweetie for your sweet blessings for me and Gary. You are right I have been sort of bombarded this summer but with friends like you I will pull through and hopefully a better person.
I need to do a post but when I try to start one I stop. First time I have been lost for words.

Laura said...

You are a canning superstar, Tauna! I think you should share your recipes and methods. (Although I'm sure you're sick of tomatoes by now!)

mCat said...

I love catching up on everyone's 9/11 posts. Yours was wonderful.

And is some of that salsa gonna make it's way south to Bear Lake in a few weeks?

Just wondering......

Anonymous said...

probably the most remembered day in my 52 years on earth. thanks for the great tribute!

gigi said...

I so wish we would have had a program like this around here. I would have loved to have been there.

Yvonne said...

That day is still so close to my heart. My husband was traveling and didn't make it home for a few days, but he made it home.

I made brownies and took them to the firemen at the fire station near our home--I had to do something. When I was in New York in 2002 I went up to a firemen and shook his hand just to say thank you and had to do it through tears.

Thank you for your post.

You are such a sweetheart.