Thursday, February 2, 2012


My hubby is treating me to some much needed sunlight
and warmth.
Very spontaneous and last minute.
Four glorious days of his undivided attention!
(13 more sleeps!)

We're flying to Phoenix for 4 days.
I'm a little excited.
(Thank you hotel points and car rental points, I love free!
I need to find some flip flops
and sunscreen.
I'm not sure I will find either in this part of the world.
We don't need stuff like that till JULY!

But I did see a sure sign of SPRING!
That is a fly on my window!!!!!!
I don't know how it is possible.
but it is a real live fly!

I shall let him live.

It gives me hope.


CB said...


Furry Bottoms said...

You crack me up!!!!

CB said...

Whhhooooo hooooo
First rocks!
You Rock!
Arizona rocks!

CB said...

Have fun!

Anonymous said...

yes, let him live! since stores bring out christmas decor in august i think it's only right to bring our flip flops and sunscreen now!!! have fun

Julie Harward said...

LOL You are so funny about that dang fly...I say kill them all! (hehe)
Have a wonderful trip! :D

Kerin said...

Oh I am sooo jealous :)
Have a great time!
Be certain to soak up as much sun as you can!

oh and the fly... I too found one in my window, and a box elder bug... what gives ??

AiringMyLaundry said...

Have a great time!

Anonymous said...

Have a great time - glorious sunshine!!!

Emmy said...

Oh have fun!!! But you might be able to find things now that you need as the stores are so backwards in their seasons

Kristina P. said...

Jealous! I hope you have a horrible, great time. :)

just call me jo said...

Oh, my're coming to AZ. If I drove in Phoenix (which I don't), if you were here longer, oh, oh--I live in AZ. There are flip flops on every corner here all year long. Wait til you get here. You'll love AZ flip flops. Oh, and kill that dang fly. Do you know how many germs they carry? Too bad you don't know a nurse that could tell you that! Enjoy your trip. Yahoo for sunshine. It's beautiful here.

Barbaloot said...

Phoenix sounds amazing! Have fun and bring some sun back with you.

Kim said...

Get some sun for me and have fun.

Renée said...

I know that fly is an absolute miracle, but mark my word, his brain is frozen solid and he has no idea of where is is. Since I've thawed out, I have a much clearer picture of where I am and who is looking at me, {or taking my picture.} Charity never faileth.

Go and have a great time in the sun, heaven knows you need some ;D

Julia said...

I'm so happy for you and hubby. I hope that you have the time of your life. Who is going to take care of your new pet fly while you're gone. Can you take her with you? JB

Connie said...

Ewwww! Kill it, they are nasty. Did you know every time they land they pee? Blech! (I just threw up in my mouth thinking about it.)


jen said...

Any time for me to treat you to lunch at one of my favorites? Email me!

Julia said...

Thanks for your visit, and comment.

A funny thing happened to me this evening as I clicked on comment on your blog. All of a sudden a larger box appeared so I thought that you had changed something and I typed my comment.

Next I clicked publish and my own blog appears with my comment to your blog.Then another box appears saying that I published my post successfully.

I've had weird things happen before but never this. Blogger is jumpy lately. It happened last night when I was typing a comment and all of a sudden the comment appears on my own blog in the comment section.

I'm telling you this just in case you came upon a deleted blog post with your title on it. JB

Victoria said...

There is sun. I am not going to tell you the weather here because no one in Idaho or Montana ever wants to hear that. But I am just telling you to have faith... there is sun.

Saimi said...

Spring or not SWAT that fly, I have no use for them what so ever! So, so excited for you and Arizona sounds amazing!!

Valerie said...

Jealous! Have a great time!!!

Mikki said...

ahh, enjoy the warmth. And the fly.

Lisa @ Pulsipher Page said...

You're coming here! I would love to meet up with you!

Queenie Jeannie said...

Enjoy your trip!!! I love traveling!

gigi said...

Why couldn't it be Florida again?? We have sunscreen and flip flops year round down here, What size shoe do you wear? I'll send you some birthday flip flops :)
Excited for ya!

Yvonne said...

The fly just made me laugh.

I'm with you on the FREE--it does make all that traveling that husbands do worthwhile (well, at least it kind of makes up for it, sort of ; )

Laura said...

You know we're clinging to hope when we let flies live! :) Have fun in AZ!!!

Laura said...

Okay, so crazy coincidence... After I commented on your post, I went in the kitchen and there was a FLY buzzing around! I think I too shall let him live. Unless he buzzes me when I'm sleeping. Then he's toast.

Anonymous said...

Have fun and be safe! Hugs

Liz Mays said...

I can't believe you let that live. I always go for the splat.

Have a wonderful time on your getaway, and good luck finding sandals for it too!

Karen Mello Burton said...

We spent new years in AZ. It was glorious! Have fun. ;)

One Fantastic Housewife! said...

Have fun with all the warm! TGIF!

Doran & Jody said...

Oh fun! Are you going down for our anniversary? Don't you think that maybe we should come with you? I have a free bed down there too!

wendy said...

You are kinder then me...I kill every fly on sight in my house. They. Are. Not. My. Friend. We get lots of flies here in the country with animals around etc, Pesky little buggers.

I am excited you get to have this little trip with your hubby. (jealous..but excited)
Yeah, I covet..just chalk it up to my long list of "things to work on"

Vern said...

You are waaaay nicer to your flies than I am.

Lisa said...

That fly just MIGHT have been dead all year long, and just now had the breath of life swoosh back into his filthy fly body. And I know this because I've seen it happen~and I kind of have a science project going on in my window sill right now...I'll let you know if they resurrect. :)

Kimmie said...

YAY for you!! You and Howie SO deserve a getaway together...and FREE that's even better.

I'm not sure how many sleeps you have until you go, but I am THRILLED. I can't wait to hear all about your FUN on your trip to 4 days of warm weather!!

I am going to miss seeing Howie at work! He was always a ray of sunshine to see his smiling face when he walked into our department. Artco is a great place, it's just not a great job for a Customer Service Rep that works part time.

Ginger said...

I hope you have a great time! I'm late reading this so this may not help you, but pack a light jacket... it's still cool in the mornings and after the sun goes down! We were just down there a couple of days ago. :)

Heather said...

Good for you guys! Have a great time in the sun and be safe!

mCat said... His legs and body are infested with feces.

I am so happy for your escape to the land of the sun!! Soak up as much as you possibly can!


Lene said...

I hope you can deal with our close-to-perfect weather.

Becca said...

I have found that areas with changing climates tend to always have things for all seasons. When I was in Boise last summer (when it was 100 every day), I was amazed to find long sleeve shirts in every store we went to!