Monday, January 23, 2012

iLove iThing !!!

After a few years of the Android thing....

I'm the proud new owner of the iThing!

It has caused a great deal of contention with my tech-savvy hubby
and oldest tech-savvy son.
Both of whom have said "we refuse to be your tech-support!"
(Like I would ever need their help!)

My hubby even said, "don't get one of those iThings!"
He thinks the iAndroid thingy is far superior.

My hubby is iHurt.
He thinks I'm an iTraitor.

He might think I'm over the top!
iDon't know what he's talking about!

iMight have had a bit of trouble when I was trying to set it up and use it for the first time.

And he was sitting right next to me ignoring me...

iMight have been frustrated a bit and muttering under my breath.

But iRefused to ask Mr. iWouldn't-be-caught-dead-with-an-iThing for help!
iThink it was hurtful when I asked Siri how to set up iCloud and she didn't know what I was talking about and Mr. iAndroid-Forever choked on his glass of water.

Talk about iRude!
But iForgive him.

He's out of town right now.
iMiss you!


StitchinByTheLake said...

I'm an iThing person too - love it! blessings, marlene

gigi said...

iLOVE you! You make my day! I don't have an iThingy but the DIL's LOVE their's!

Stay warm with the hubs gone!

Kim said...

iLove your post. iLaughed, and laughed and laughed. iGuess iAm just going to keep my iBasic phone and life will go on. For years iHave thought about becoming an owner of an iThing, but have decided that at this point in my life iDon't need to have the iAddiction that comes from the iThing.

Have fun with your new found love and one day the hubs will see the light and follow you to the iThing.

love you

" Hit It......." said...

I want to be an iThing person too. My hubby is an Android person, therefore that's what I have. The iThing seems easier to use.

just call me jo said...

iLove the ipost. iHope you adjust because iAm Android. Good iMonday. Husbands always leave when we iNeed them.

Connie said...

Right now, i'm an iAndroid thingy simply because that was something i settled for! Come September, i'm switching to the iPhone! Can't wait!
P.S. You're so fun!

Barbaloot said...

iAm excited for you! Sometimes I think I want one of those, but then I freak out and think I can't figure out how those things work. Glad you're happy with it!

mCat said...

I want an iThing so badly, my teeth ache. Prolly for the best that I don't have one. I am SO not smart enough for them

Laura said...

Cute post!

tammy said...

Dang. I wanted to be the first one to say iLove this post! iM sure you will love your iThing.

lesa said...

Now you've made me think about this iThing a little more..thanks a lot :)

Kristina P. said...

I don't own any iThings. Not a single one. And I'm OK with that. Sob.

One Fantastic Housewife! said...

iLove my iPhone too. iMust admit iAm jealous because my hubby just got the iPhone 4S...iHave camera envy.

Furry Bottoms said...

I had to laugh at this post... exactly what I experienced in the beginning!! Siri couldn't understand me either. It was polite about it though. "Sorry, I don't know what you're asking me"

and a lot of cursing and then, finally, we understood eachother. Now I love it. It really really really does everything.

And? My mother still has a blackberry with the normal qwerty keyboard you use your thumbs to type. WHen I try to do something on it, THAT frustrates me because when I use my fingertip on the screen to work on it, nothing happens!

Ann Marie said...

My husband is ANTI Apple too.. and so I'm not sure we will ever have one. He wants the others.. because he can write programs for the windows phones and stuff.
Plus.. he says Apple is too expensive.. and blah.. blah.. blah.

I have heard awesome things about i stuff.. but sadly.. we probably won't ever own anything "i".

Saimi said...

iHave no iDea what you're even talking about. iWouldn't begin to know how to use that thing if iTried.

Good luck and have fun!!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Ann, that is exactly why my hubby loathes the iThing.

Mikki said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mikki said...

iThink you're so iFunny!

Sorry iHad to remove the previous comment, because iScrewed it up.

Anonymous said...

I'm so far behind, I don't even know what iThingy is!!! Wishing you a nice day; I know you miss your hubby!

Emmy said...

If you ever need any help shoot a question my way as I am such an iThing person and a bit of a techy geek so definitely want you to have the best experience with your iDevices :)

Doran & Jody said...

Muah ha ha...
ihaven't converted yet.
istill use an iDroid.

Renée said...

iLOVE this isilly post and ilove my macbook. I did last week purchase a new android. So far iam in alove!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Glad your in iLove!

LKP said...

only out of bed for a few minutes, but you were at the top of my google reader list, so i popped this post open and had to giggle!

why so funny?

well my non-i-anything device i've been using for the past year finally ticked me off beyond description. this is actually the replacement-for-the-replacement-of-the-original that the warranty has sent me since october. the thing decides to feel overloaded by touchscreen contact when texting. and rather than relax and get caught up, it FREAKS outs, freezes up, throws an apocalyptic tantrum and shuts down. COMPLETELY. mid-text... with clients no less. each separate handset suffered from the same ailment. (something tells me its a poor-engineering issue with the model.)

so the other night, i may have or may not have been medicated on small-round-white-prescribed-courage (aka small-round-white-prescribed-humor), and i called AT&T for the LAST time to give their warranty department a piece of my mind. i may have or may have not also threatened to take my measily 3 line LKP business account + my hubby's fam's 15 line business account elsewhere...

suddenly i was transferred to the "we are the ones at AT&T who really listen" department.

my new (still non-ithing) blackberry will be here in two days! wish it was here NOW.

k, i'm hurting again. so i'm off to take my meds & then back to bed.

luv yer guts! ::hugs::

life in red shoes said...

iDon't have any iThings but my daughter loves her iphone.
I did however get a Kindle Fire for Christmas. I am however technically retarded.
I am a techtard :(


wendy said...



and not iTECHSAVY

enough said
btw ..your hubby is sexy, don't tell him I said so...I wouldn't want him to get the wrong

Liz Mays said...

You are so cool that you already are talking the ilanguage!

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

I loved your post! I have no iThings at all! But would like one. :)

Hopefully your husband can make peace with yours when he gets back.

Julie Harward said...

he he,,for cute! Well, he still loves you isee! Good luck with it!;D

Yvonne said...

iM sad because iWant one, but iDont have one ; ( iGuess that makes me envious. iAm definitely an iPerson, but just own a little regular old cell phone ; (

Enjoy you lucky bum.

Camille said...

You're much more tech-savvy than me right now!! iHave a state of the art, "dumb" phone! :) iLove your cleverness! :)

Karen Mello Burton said...

I love my iPhone so so so so much. I call it "My Precious", and I totally mean it. get on istagram and post photos. It is so much fun!

AiringMyLaundry said...

I might switch my Android for an iPhone since I'm due for an upgrade...;)

MZ said...

I can be your tech person. You know eventually he will come around and secretly covet your ithingy. Howard and I crossed paths at the airport Sunday.

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

So glad you forgave him. I love this post and your too funny.
Your going to love your new toy and I can just picture you playing with it.
It would take me forever to figure it all out. But I would love to have one.
Have fun honey
Love ya

Heather said...

You are so funny! I don't have any of those Ithings but my hubby does!

Connie said...

So jealous. I don't have an iAnything. It's just me and my laptop.

Kerin said...

Cute post :)

I'm still trying how to figure out how to dial my wall mounted phone.....(hee hee hee)

Durn it all...I can't seem to get the operator on the line!

Serene is my name, not my life! said...

Well, I happen to {heart} all things "i".

And I {heart} you too.

Which means from now on, I'll have to call you iTauna.

marie said...

Just found your cute blog. Love it. Good thing I don't own a cell phone because I would need tech support.

Queenie Jeannie said...

LOL! Hopefully you turned off the auto correct feature or you'll be texting some strange stuff!!

Valerie said...

I'm a year into my Android contract and i am filled with iRegret. I could have purchased the iPhone-- the cost was the same -- but chose the Android because I felt we'd paid enough of our iMoney to the iGods. We have iTunes, iPods, iPod Touch and iPad, did we really need the iPhone too?

I can answer with an iFirming YES!!!

Only one year left! If the darn thing lasts that long.... It might find the iWall before then!

CB said...

I give it less than a month before he wants one too!!
How does anyone live without an Iphone?

CB said...

P.S. YOU ICRack me Iup!!!!!

#45 Whoo oHoooooo!!!!!!

Sherrie said...

You are so cute! I am not an iPerson yet. Maybe someday! But I am glad you are. iLaughed at this post as well... just a really fun ipost!

Kimmie said...

You made the right choice with your iPhone!!! They truly are superior to Android and SO much easier to use.

ilove your "ithing" are SO clever with words.

Isn't Siri amazing how she can do SO many things instantaneously! You can ask her to play a song from your iTunes and within seconds it is playing.

ENJOY your NEW TOY!! Tracy has an "iThingy" and is on his 3rd one and LOVES it and would never go back.

I think you will probably feel the same as well. Enjoy your hubby!!