Monday, January 30, 2012


I just purchased a pressure cooker.
I have some friends at work that have been raving about theirs.
Cooks a roast in 25 minutes.
Artichokes in 6 minutes.
Rice in 6 minutes.

(I'm all about lazy!)
If dinner is tasty tonight I'm gonna be in love.

Tomorrow is the last day of January.


Roast done in 30 minutes, I let it vent then I added carrots and potatoes for 5 minutes.
Life as I know it will NEVER be the same!
(And YES those are Rhodes rolls and YES that is butter melting on the potatoes! Told ya I was lazy!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

{Cell Phone Saturday}

The first time I saw Cell Phone Saturday was on Gigi's blog.
I loved it!
I haven't posted any before because I just got a new phone.

(Did I mention I got a new iPhone?)

I've been putting it to good use.

I was babysitting Lexi and she had on her Camo hat and Angel wings watching Tangled.

I "caught" my co-worker taking a little nap.
She wasn't happy with me when I took it....I think I won't tell her I blogged it.

This is a look of distain from my kitty after having his picture taken.

LDS Missionaries biking come rain or shine.

Totally fitting to have a picture of the cell phone on Cell Phone Saturday.

Monday, January 23, 2012

iLove iThing !!!

After a few years of the Android thing....

I'm the proud new owner of the iThing!

It has caused a great deal of contention with my tech-savvy hubby
and oldest tech-savvy son.
Both of whom have said "we refuse to be your tech-support!"
(Like I would ever need their help!)

My hubby even said, "don't get one of those iThings!"
He thinks the iAndroid thingy is far superior.

My hubby is iHurt.
He thinks I'm an iTraitor.

He might think I'm over the top!
iDon't know what he's talking about!

iMight have had a bit of trouble when I was trying to set it up and use it for the first time.

And he was sitting right next to me ignoring me...

iMight have been frustrated a bit and muttering under my breath.

But iRefused to ask Mr. iWouldn't-be-caught-dead-with-an-iThing for help!
iThink it was hurtful when I asked Siri how to set up iCloud and she didn't know what I was talking about and Mr. iAndroid-Forever choked on his glass of water.

Talk about iRude!
But iForgive him.

He's out of town right now.
iMiss you!

Friday, January 20, 2012


Last post....sunshine.
The last four days........bitter cold wind.
I really shouldn't complain though.
I have yet to shovel snow this year!
While many have been buried in snow.
Not us.

All around us road closures.
School closures.

Here, I'm raking lawn.
It's brown and ugly, but it is lawn!

I complained so much last year,
the weather must have been afraid to snow.

And speaking of my big mouth......

I just want to remind everyone that there are still tickets available to attend The Story @ Home Conference!
March 8-10 2012 in Salt Lake.
It is two days of workshops, lectures and entertainment. It's about telling your stories and family history and blogging!
I am looking forward to going and putting faces with those blogs I love reading and hanging out with bloggers I have met!
There's a gift package available that includes the ticket and hotel.
Click on the links to get more info.

Monday, January 16, 2012


It's the middle of January.
We've had no snow.
None for Christmas.
46 degree days.
Unheard of!
I enjoyed a long slog today.
My FITBIT says I went over 6 miles.

I'm not complaining.
In fact,
I'm requesting NO SNOW.
January is nearly over.

Let's not bother.
Shall we?

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Have you ever been so tired that you are
you know...

It's that feeling when things that wouldn't normally be funny
are so stinkin' hilarious.

And you feel like you are totally the comedian.

That feeling.

That was me today.
At work.

The ER is often PUNCH DRUNK fodder.

It can get crazy and out of control in seconds.
Like today.
And yesterday.

The encounter that left me PUNCH DRUNK???

The drunk.
(Oh, and he was high on a buncha stuff too.)

And he called me a name.
(Like...THE name.)
And all I could do was laugh.
And I started his IV....and it brought a smile to my face.

My only experience of drugs and alcohol is second hand.
From my patients.
Seeing it is enough to make me NEVER want to experience it.

We were trying to figure out what to do with this guy.
He'd been there forever! awhile.
He'd tipped over his urinal.
Pulled out his IV.
(I don't need to describe the mess.)

Did I mention he'd been there awhile?

The doc went into the room and found him....

drinkin' a beer!
He'd stashed it in his backpack!

By this time I have tears running down my face.
Cuz I'm punch drunk!

I made my co-worker pose for me.
She's holding the confiscated beer!
Not funny?
Maybe ya had to be there.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


It sorta just came to me last night.
I was thinking about the thing I needed most
at this time in my life.

The top of the list would be a greater capacity for:

Unconditional love
Knowing when I've done all I can, then leave the rest up to the Lord.
Pushing myself out of my comfort zone.

And for my New Year's Resolution:
Put myself on the top of the "take care of" list.

Monday, January 2, 2012


Everyone has a word of the year!
I'm feeling pressure to get one.
But my brain is mush.

I want something to inspire me.

It's going to be a hard year with some hard things.
That's just the things I know about
Pretty sure there are some other tough things in
the works that I don't know about.

So I'm just looking for the perfect word.

I love Momza's
and Cherie's
and Keeley's

I thought about "hang on tight" but that's three words.

I haven't even thought about resoulutions yet!
I better get busy!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year

I would show pictures of all the wild partying....
But that would be a HIPPA violation.
(Patient privacy and all)

Today the patient load appears to be complaints of "over-indulgences"
Of varying forms.

We did have a quiet evening at home and decided we were too old and fuddy duddy to stay up till the bewitching hour.
Sleep is the new celebration.

Happy 2012