Thursday, March 26, 2020


I know that we are not the only ones in this mess. 

And we are in this mess together. 
But my level of anxiety increased by leaps and bounds. 
Howie was laid off today until this Covid thing has resolved. 

Who knows how long? 
He’s our health insurance carrier. 
He’s between knee surgeries. 

Trying to take a deep breath and remember who is really in control. 


Julia said...

I love your humor. lol... My hands look pretty much like yours, lol... Humour aside, I'm sorry about your man's difficulty with his knee operation and being out of work because of the Covid-19 virus... My son has also been let go because of the virus. So many have been laid off work. My daughters can work from home but it's not easy with having young boys at home and also teenagers and young men. They are not used to this new lifestyle.

We are really being tested in these times of pestilence. I've been doing a lot of praying and so far we are all ok but it could all change in a heartbeat. I'm amazed at the fact that this tiny Covid-19 has the strength to bring the whole world at a standstill.

I've been thinking to post on my blog to let everyone how I've been as several followers have been emailing me to see how I was. I may just do that tomorrow.
Stay safe and healthy. We will get through this with faith and prayers.

Take care,
hugs, Julia

Deb J. in Utah said...

Stay well my friend. We are all in this together. Humor and prayer helps most I have found. Hope your hubby is back to work very soon and that we get this virus under control quickly! Hugs and prayers to you from UT!

jen said...

Oh no. I'm so sorry. No words can help with this, but I hope his recovery and new knee are good.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

The jokes are funny, however I am so sorry to hear about Howie's layoff. Definitely going to be praying very hard for you, Howie and your family.

cni bordeaux gironde said...

Thoughtful blog, thanks for sharing