Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Home Tomorrow {sigh}

I have had a BLAST!
(Now back to the real world!)


Nutty Hamster Chick said...

Aaaah! That is a bummer, but I guess it was inevitable.

gigi said...

These are such sad pictures. You leaving Florida... Come back again soon.

I know you are needed at home and you have a wedding to pull off, so I will be praying for you. Be safe.

gigi said...

P.S. These are awesome pictures and you do great work with that magic camera :-)

mCat said...

I love the waves and the footprints.

If only like could be carefree and a vacation all the time.

Be safe going home and I'm thinking of ya!

Kristina P. said...

SO sorry you have to come back to real life!

MZ said...

Sorry you have to come back. We had summer for a day and now it is over.

Heather said...

You have been in Florida!! You lucky women!!! I have been looking at all your posts! I guess you were in Florida before I got to the post that said you were stopping in Atlanta and the Florida. I guessed it by the beach post at the top (which I love the foot prints in the sand!) and the Sunday drive post of the alligator. Good for you and your hubby to get away!!

Anonymous said...

just to let you know- the real world is cold, cruel and snowy! at least was here in salt lake today! glad you had a wonderful time.

Saimi said...

All good things must come to an end....sorry...

Julie Harward said...

Sad but good coming home...I see you left prints in the sand, that means you must return! ;D

Renée said...

Ahhhh, I'm so glad you've had a blast and your pix tell such a fun story. I know well what you are feeling. This prelude to summer is going to get you through the rest of winter/spring in the 'burg. You are going to have a memorable summer with your family too.

We are "unseasonably cold" and are warming some for the weekend. Usually Boise can plant after May 15th, but they are saying not quite yet!!!! I think we can tomorrow while you are traveling home. Fly high smiling all the way.

Mikki said...

try not to think about it! :)
Terrific pictures! Hope you travel safe. <3

Lisa @ Pulsipher Page said...

It looks beautiful. So glad you were able to enjoy it with your man!

Anonymous said...

I am thrilled that your trip to the South has been a great one! Next time, you'll have to visit Georgia!!!
Praying for safe travel for you two.

g.suzie said...

So glad you had a wonderful time,
you deserve it!

Yvonne said...

So glad you have had such a great time. Hope you have gotten some rest, because now you will be in "full speed ahead" mode. Good luck getting everything done.

just call me jo said...

Was it suitably warm? It's cool here now and windy. Sigh. "There's no place like home." Even if it's cold. Safe return.

Lesa said...

I sense the vacation blues coming on... :(

Anonymous said...

I am SO jealous. . .I could use some R&R this morning. . .the beach sounds PERFECT! So glad you had such a good time! Hopefully-even though I didn't win- my birth chanting brought sunny skies for you to come home to!

Lisa Loo said...

I wrote a really long comment but then I realized you really didn't want my commentary on how crappy I thought the weather here was so......glad you had a great time....hope your flight back is safe and your re-entry into reality is smooth...

Happy Mom said...

Hopefully, spring came to your neck of the woods in your absence!!

Vern said...

Man, life is harsh.

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

Totally jealous! Though, great pictures! I'm in need a vacation. I think dream of Florida tonight. :)

Karen Mello Burton said...

I am green with envy. It is in the 40 s and raining here. Boo! GLad you had fun. Safe travels.

CB said...

CUTEEEEE pictures Tauna!! Love the shadow one near the end.
SOOO Glad you got to go be with your honey in the sun!!

tammy said...

I will be depressed for you.

Love the fun pictures though.

life in red shoes said...

Hope you brought home some sand :)

Queenie Jeannie said...

Love the footprints!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Why is it that all good things must come to an end? So glad you had a blast!!!

Holly said...

These FL posts are seriously making me miss it!! Hmmm... I think I may need to visit my brother soon!! So glad you had a great time and I'll NEVER understand the floss swim-wear either. When your garden (of EGAN via FL) grows, we need a retreat at your place!! ((HUGS))

Kimmie said...

You are SO awesome with that camera of yours! I love feet print in the sand and LOVE shadow reflections of couples in love.

Those photos are frameable! Would be awesome to frame those photos with your memorabilia your brought back from Florida and display them in a shadow box.

Hope you are having a wonderful week!