Sunday, May 29, 2011

The {EYES} Have It

I have some SERIOUSLY beautiful kids and grandkids.

But then....
how could they not be beautiful?

These are my favorite PEEPers.


mCat said...

What a cool idea! I love that last picture

~Wyatt~Brittney~Brecken~Oliver~ said...


Yvonne said...

Great job--LOVE IT.

The eyes tell a great deal.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Cute post!!! Such pretty eyes and faces.

Lesa said...

the eyes do have it!

gigi said...

That was one of the first things I noticed about you and Howie when I met you, your EYES!! Most beautiful and so are your kids and GRANDkids!! You are blessed! Much!
Sorry about the cold wet weather.

Kim said...

I love eyes because they are the windows to our souls and they tell the story and truth!

Love it!

g.suzie said...

How could you ever say no to any of
those eyes. . .

life in red shoes said...

Yes you are...blessed:)

Matt said...

whats with the creepy crop?

Connie said...

I would totally agree...truly blessed!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Matt...I was being creative.

And maybe I needed to cut out some of your face cuz it wasn't photo-worthy.

Queenie Jeannie said...

Ahhhh!!! Such a sweet post! You've done very, very well for yourself hun!!

Lisa @ Pulsipher Page said...

you can see a lot of goodness in those eyes!

LKP said...

they ARE extremely beautiful! can't believe you don't have a photo of YOUR eyes on here with howie's as well! you're part of the gorgeous equation as well, sista! ::hugs::

tammy said...

I'm gonna have to agree.

Connie said...

Love the pictures!

Yes, you are blessed!

Sandra said...

They are seriously beautiful!

Saimi said...

We obviously see eye to eye, you have a beautiful family!

Great post!

Valerie said...

Cool post!

Anonymous said...

Wow - beautiful photos and yes, you are blessed.

just call me jo said...

Yes, you should throw your eyes in there too, lady. You are beautiful and I haven't ever seen you or your eyes. What cute little ocular orbs. I love the cropping, Matt! Don't you know art when you see it?? sheesh ;o)

Lisa said...

AWESOME! Love the close ups, and clearly you love that man of yours. Usually I take credit for all that is good and holy in my life, leaving my husband as scapegoat for things I don't want to be burdened with. :) I'll take a page out of your book. :)

CB said...

That is the neatest post! Totally and completely love how you did this.
You are VERY VERY blessed my friend with many beautiful eyes around you and the people that they all belong to!

Julie Harward said...

Here's looking at you and all those beautiful eyes...I think you are right! ;D

Karen Mello Burton said...

I think I see you in some of those faces!

Furry Bottoms said...

They are gorgeous :)

Cluttered Brain said...

love those eyes!
Cute idea for a blog post proud grandmama...

Brenda said...

Eye think your pictures are cool!

Mikki said...

yes, yes you do! But you forgot to post a pic of yourself there at the end.

Laura Lynn said...

You are awesome!

Heather said...

What a great post!! They do have his eyes!

Holly said...

You ARE truly blessed. The man in the 4th picture down reminds me of Josh Hartnett. LOL!! ((HUGS))

Kimmie said...

Gorgeous eyes and kids!! I have to agree with and Howard definitely have electric eyes and you have passed it on to your kids and grandkids!

Your oldest son is the spitting image of Howard. Love your photos and your love for your family!!