Saturday, February 19, 2011

I DID NOT buy this!!!!!

I went grocery shopping yesterday.
(Because my life is exciting like that.)
I thought I had put ALL the groceries away.

Evidently not.

I did NOT buy this.

If YOU want to buy this item.....

It can be found in the toilet paper section.


Kristina P. said...

Do they take returns?

Julie said...

Awe. I'd say you got a deal then! :)

Connie said...

Shred, then hide. That's the name of the game!

Queenie Jeannie said...

LOL!!!! I guess our toilet paper isn't safe around your cat!! I'm so lucky that mine doesn't get into anything and this is the first cat I've EVER had that actually uses her scratching post.

The only thing *bad* she does is to purr too loudly in bed. But I can deal.

gigi said...

Again?? I'd thought by now you would have that cat trained or living with the neighbors???

gigi said...

I know! When Cameron gets married, give the cats to him as wedding gifts!

Anonymous said...

Oh how funny - kitty looks so innocent!

just call me jo said...

I'm reading the book Dewey right now. Cats are so mischievous. You've got an especially imaginative feline.

Barbaloot said...

Ha- I can just imagine you walking away with your groceries in one bad and your cat in another. Very Paris Hilton:)

Anonymous said...

I am laughing so hard. How cute!! I hope you do not return it, just too cute not to keep and you can always easily sweet that toilet paper right up. Hugs and nose kisses for that sweet kitty!

Anonymous said...

That should have said SWEEP that toilet paper right up...I was thinking about that sweet little kitty when I typed that. :)

Lisa Loo said...

So lucky he/she is so cute.
I heart kitties....................
until I have a mess to clean up..

Ann Marie said...

I love kitties so much.. I still want to hug them through the computer screen.. even when I see they have been naughty!!

I have an idea.. Just get rid of the toilet paper... who NEEDS that anyway? lol!

CB said...

That cat gets into more mischief!! So cute though!!

Unknown said...

I shouldn't be as charmed about this as I am. But that is a cute kitty. And my kids used to do that to toilet paper, so how smart were they?

JoAnn said...

Um - I don't luv kitties (I know -- I need therapy), but I am duly impressed that you are so environmentally responsible and employing the reusable shopping bags. Just another thing to put on my "How I wanna be like Tauna" list!

Karen Mello Burton said...

Yeah, my little doggie puts himself in time out too. It cracks me up!

Liz Mays said...

How could something so cute cause so much destruction? ;)

~Wyatt~Brittney~Brecken~Oliver~ said...

You and your kitties crack me up!

Furry Bottoms said...

Toilet Paper Section... OF COURSE!!! :)

Yvonne said...

What would you do without that little cat???

TisforTonya said...

the cat's out of the bag?

sorry, kinda lame... just couldn't resist.

time to put the TP under lock and key... because THAT's not awkward!

life in red shoes said...

My dog must have some "feline tendencies."
She does the same thing ;)

lesa said...

Looks like you should have purchased more toilet paper :)

mCat said...

Sissy does the same thing to the toilet paper and so does our puppy. No way in heck I would take on a kitty.

PS - love that you use the "green" bags - how very earthy of you! : )

Sew A Little Happiness said...

LOL! Love your green bags! You are COOL!

Serene is my name, not my life! said...

You know... that little fur ball reminds me of another little humanoid fur ball I know.

I think they'd be best friends.

Emmy said...

Lol! Awesome post.