Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Baby it's COLD OUTSIDE!!!

My temperature gauge said -21 BUT with the windchill factor it was -33!

School cancelled.

Truck wouldn't start.

ER quiet....
(except the idiot knucklehead parents who brought their one year old in with a fever.
The child was dressed in a onsie and had a blanket around it.....toes hanging out!)

Even KittyKitty has frosty whiskers!

(Bad cell phone picture.)
The Groundhog says we'll have an early Spring?
Prove it!
PRETTY PLEASE??????????????


TisforTonya said...


okay, shutting up.


do you believe me yet?

this is me - all sympathy all the time - even for poor kittykitty and his frosted whiskers!

but not those weird parents in the ER... hope you ran a b'zillion pricy tests and then sent them to the pharmacy for some fancy overpriced ibuprofen

Julie Harward said...

Thats what I am saying today...prove it Phil! You are colder there than we are though. My two little grands Caleb and Ella were just admitted into the hospital with pnemonia! They put IV's in them and as they were doing so Caleb was saying, "Hey guys don't, hey guys that hurts me!" Their mommie is just newly pregnant and she is do things go from all is well to all hell just broke loose? ;(

~Wyatt~Brittney~Brecken~Oliver~ said...

have i mentioned that i HATE cold?! i do! the only good thing that has come from the cold weather is that my house is clean and my scrapbooking is getting done!

Liz Mays said...

omg, that is outrageously cold! You poor thing!

Kristina P. said...

That is crazy! It's cold here, but not that cold.

Connie said...

That's colder than H---! I hope kitty was able to spend some time in the house!

On the way to work, I passed a construction site where there were men working on the roof. Right next to the site was Central Bank with the marquee that read -2. I was wishing I had my camera at the time. You guys have totally beat us and I'm fine with that!

I hope you told the parents how stupid they are!

p.s. No picture of your self-inflicted hair cut?

Emmy said...

I am so so sorry. That is just awful. And those parents-seriously a onsie! That is just wrong!

Beth at Aunties said...

That is just sick and wrong!

The bitter cold, the tiny toes and the truck going into hibernation!
Park City area was also at -21.

The sun is shining here even with the cold!

Keep warm thoughts surging in your blood and let's hope Phil is right!

Barbaloot said...

Ugh. I never ever want to be in a place with that much cold.

Anonymous said...

I hope that you and KittyKitty are staying nice and warm...that is terribly cold and dangerous to be out in for sure. I sure hope that groundhog knows what he is talking about. Spring is sure welcome to come on, huh?

It would not do for me to have been in the ER when they brought that baby in...I would have had to give those people a quick not so friendly course in how to care for their precious little bundle.

Sorry the truck wouldn't start. Too cold for it too I guess.

Big hugs for getting out in the cold to go care for sick people.

Saimi said...

Frosted Whiskers...Hmmm sounds like a new kind of cereal..

Dang between you and Chicago you guys have all the bad weather..I'm staying right where I am!!

Victoria said...

On my Weather app for my iPhone, I keep Trabuco Canyon, CA (me), Provo, Utah (son #2), Rexburg (son #3), Medford, OR (my mom) and Missoula, MT (my best friend). This morning we were a brisk 55 degrees, whilst Missoula was -7, and Rexburg was -28. HOLY ICE SCULPTURE, BATMAN...

Momza said...

I feel your pain.
-35 when I woke up this morning.
Zero when I left work at 5:30pm.
Weatherdude says it'll get down to -15 tonight.
This is where I want a long winter's nap.

Happy Mom said...

Tomorrow will be our third snow day in a row and the fifth in the last three weeks. This weather is crazy!

jen said...

Heidi texted my this same information. I grew up in ID, so this really shouldn't shock me, but HOLY CRAP!
Good luck up there.

CB said...

Ha Ha on my blog I didn't catch the (minus) 25 so I told you to quit whining! Ha ha My apologies :-D
That is pretty _ _ _ _ cold if I do say so myself and I do!!!!

OK shutting up now!!

gigi said...

Time for a trip to Georgia if you ask me??????
This is just so sad!

Heather said...

Wow, I thought it was cold here! I feel it has been the coldest I have ever felt it to be but you guys put us to shame!

I can't believe the Cat's whiskers!

Lisa said...

Yeah! Prove it! I dare you! Love the cat whiskers, though. Almost worth the negatives to see something so cool. By the way, did you slap the parents up the side of their clueless heads? If not, give me their address. I'm getting my keys.

Mikki said...

Brrrr!!! In like a lion, out like a lamb right?
Here's hoping.

Valerie said...

Oh wow! That is no fun!!!
I thought our temps were bad.
Hope it warms up a little real soon...too dang cold for me! :)

Yvonne said...

Yes, that is cold.

I know the feeling--doesn't feel very good.

Stay warm.

Kim said...

I guess it takes all kinds of people. WHAT A KNUCKLE HEAD!! Sorry it's so cold. We aren't quite that cold, but baby it's sure cold and I wish our ER was quite. We had to open our overflow floor yesterday. What a bummer! I guess there are few KNUCKLEHEADS in the world. ;)

just call me jo said...

Don't come to AZ for warming. They are all crying about 31 degrees (that's ABOVE zero)...That's the coldest temp here in 21 years. The cold is all relative, I guess. I remember those Idaho winters well. Keep those extremities covered. I don't know what to tell kitty about the whiskers...

Rachel said...

Brrr! We are missing ALL of the snow!

And I am doing a facepalm over the parents with the sick kiddo... sheesh!

Hope you warm up soon!

tammy said...

I'm pretty sure I'd be frozen solid if I lived where you live.

Hideaway Girl said...

Yuck! And I'm complaining about temps in the 20's! Go to the Homeaway website and look up vacation homes in places like Florida, Hawaii etc. Ambitious vacation planning (more like daydreaming) is my version of therapy for the winter blues! :)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Love the wiskers on the kitty. Now that is really cold!

Lisa Loo said...

Time to pull out the battery operated-heated underwear......

Debbie said...

I can't believe some parents are so stupid. It is amazing most kids even grow up.

My Stars Hollow said...

Cute blog! That's really cold!

LKP said...

oy vey!

Ann Marie said...

I want to kiss that poor cold kitty! Take him in! Take him in!
Just hide the TP..

Karen Mello Burton said...

Sorry, I was totally distracted by that cassette tape! LOL

That is cold, alright!

lesa said...

I promise to never, ever complain again about our 10 degree weather. :)

mCat said...

Phil crushed my faith when I was in second grade and since I have never forgiven him, I don't even acknowledge the stupid groudhog day holiday. The movie - yes, that's a goodie.

Here it's been bitter cold too and as I was racing into Target to get out of the icy wind, I saw a mother without a coat carrying her baby with a tee shirt and jammie bottoms on. Some socks and that was it!


Sherrie said...

You have had some nasty weather! We have been unusually mild. Go figure! Poor kitty! Hope you are staying warm and cozy at home.