Monday, May 7, 2012


I have a friend Camille.

She moved to my town a few months ago.
She got married and moved here.
(I'd like to take credit for it because I was going to set her up with a young man from here.
But then she married another young man from here.
She made the perfect choice.)

She's one of the nicest gals I know.
She is also Connie's daughter. And Connie is the gemmest of all gems.
She featured me on her blog yesterday.
It was fun to think about the motherhood thing.
To think about the questions she asked.
I've been stumbling through it for years.
Don't always do so hot, but I keep trying.

Thanks Camille.
You are a sweetheart.
You were the first person to welcome me to a conference a couple of years ago.
You put me at ease.
You have a way of making everyone you meet feel like they are your best friend.
Thank you.

I hope you are enjoying the weather today.


Kerin said...

Loved reading that post about you !!
How fun.
I could have answered many of the questions the same way~~LOL.
Still.. what a blessing it is to have these wonderful spirits in our lives... these kiddo's that are smarter (sometimes) than we are.
Thanks for the link.. I really enjoyed getting to know you a bit better.

Warm wishes...

Charlotte Wilson said...

wish I could read the post, but I get an error message when I click on the link that says "server not found". :o(

thanks for visiting my blog and commenting!

Have a wonderful week!


wendy said...

Camille...isn't she Connie's daughter. If that is the CASE of course she is WONDERFUL...she's got good genes.

I'll have to bop over and visit her blog.

The weather is great here today too. PRAISIES !!!!!!

Went for a 4 1/2 mile walk today, lovely !!...then came home and sat in the hot tub, then hubby and I went down to the pond for a little picnic lunch..........then back home into the hot tub. THIS is when I can almost stand living here (tee,hee)
hugs to you today my sweet friend !!!

Renée said...

What a great post about you. I knew your fun-troubled, (cause they were always having too much fun and getting in some trouble) kids and thought they had the perfect mix of naughty and nice. Nate will always be my favorite. You've been super-mom in my eyes. Wish I could come rub your feet and scalp, but then I think of the wind and say, "When ya coming to Boise?"

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Yes Renee, it was NATE that little stinkpot that was always keeping us up at night.

Unknown said...

I thought that was a GREAT article! It was light and fun. You are a super-dee-dooper fun mom!
If I see your hubby at Albertsons again, I'll be sure to say hi. But it would be more fun if you were with him!

Kristina P. said...

I miss that Camille.

just call me jo said...

I will go read her post because I love you and if you love her then she's gotta be a gem, for sure. I wish you lived in my end of the state too. I'd love to have lunch. Maybe someday.

" Hit It......." said...

I am heading off to read her post because you are one of my favorite people. I think you did better then you give yourself credit for. You are a wonderful mom. All of us just stumble through it. :)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That was such a wonderful post about you. I loved getting to know more about you.

Saimi said...

I'm off to read your post!! Beautiful picture of you girls by the way!

Unknown said...

It was a lovely feature, Camille. We all no doubt stumble our way thru motherhood ... I still am & they are OLD people now.

What a lovely pics of the two of you ... a friendship forever.

Have a beautiful week ~
PS GIVEAWAY ends 5/13

Saimi said...

Throughly enjoyed your post over at Connie's!! Good job on all accounts!!

gigi said...

Good Job, my Sweet Friend! Hope you and Camille and Connie all that a wonderful Mother's Day!

mCat said...

Oh for hell's sake, I clicked the link and got an error. I NEED TO READ IT!

Maybe you could send me the url in an email?

pretty pretty please?

Doran & Jody said...


Lisa said...

How lovely. And of course she featured you on her blog. You are THAT wonderful. Even going so far as to care for sickly children who crash on motorcycles and sending chocolate cinnamon lips to princesses. You ROCK.

Valerie said...

So fun that you're both living so close now. I met Camille when she and Connie came to a fundraiser bake sale I had organized to support a dear baby who needed a lung transplant. They are definitely sweet women, both of them.

Camille said...

I should be the one saying Awww Shucks! Such nice things to say, Tawna :) It must have been the sunshine that has graced our presence after a 10 months winter!!! :) You are an amazing woman and I can only imagine how fun of a mom you were/are and an even FUNNER grandma! :) Thank you for participating and sharing your thoughts about motherhood! Love you!

RoeH said...

I was reading Jo's blog and saw your comment so I had to come over and see which "side" of Idaho you're from. I was raised in Rigby - the cold part - and if I had my druthers, I'd take the north part of Idaho any day over the bottom half. I meant to leave Jo a comment to go past my dad's house and see if it's still there in Twin, but I see I missed her. All those years I spent in Twin Falls and I never knew her. Funny.

Ann Marie said...

I will have to go and read it -- just because I love you.

Hope you have a Happy and Spoiled Mothers day!!

Jenny Lynn said...

Well, I have to skip over and read what wonderful things she had to say about you.

I have not meet Camille, but agree that Connie is just amazing. So, this must mean that Camille is as well.

AiringMyLaundry said...

What a nice post :)

Yvonne said...

I will have to go over and read the post.

With a mom like Connie, how could she be anything but wonderful ; )

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

I will certainly go over to her site and read about you.
Isn't it the best when you can make new friends. Love this picture of you too. You are so beautiful.
I wanted to come by tonight and wish you a very Happy Mother's Day because I am leaving tomorrow for Austin and want be home til late Sunday.
So dear friend enjoy your day. I hope it is a very special Mother's Day.
Love ya

Karen Mello Burton said...

You and Camille and Connie are all the gemmiest people I know! For sure.

I hope you have a great weekend and feel loved by everyone around you. Happy Mothers' Day!