Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Last year I think there was a foot of ugly snow on the ground.


CB said...

Firsttttt!! Whoooo hooooo
Penny candy LOVE!

CB said...

And double Penny Candy LOVE for warm temps in the burg!!! Hell just might have frozen over :-D

" Hit It......." said...

Dang...Cherie beat me! It was 80 degrees in Utah today. Hope you are outside enjoying the weather.


Anonymous said...

Yippee!!!!! Enjoy!

just call me jo said...

It's gonna cool down here and be positively cold by the weekend--69 degrees forecast. You gotta love Idaho in April. Anything can happen! Anything!!

gigi said...

You deserv this kind of spring so ENJOY it!!

Ginger said...

It's been warm like that here too! I LOVE it!

Kerin said...

Oh..isn't WONDERFUL!!!!

We drove up to Provo today, and according to our Tahoe temp thingy... it read 82 degrees :)

Jumping for joy !

Julia said...

What wonderful temperature in your area. It didn't get that warm here and it was raining today. The sun came out for a while and it definitely felt like spring.

Thanks for your comment on my quilt. I appreciate it very much. Hugs. JB

jen said...

Yep. That's why it was 94 here today. Time for me to start envying you!

wendy said...

Whoever thought I'd say...I WANT TO BE IN REXBURG....seriously
kill me now
It has been so windy for day and days and days no
and probably only still in the 40's.

Satan hates Alberta

wendy said...

Or , actually maybe Satan LOVES Alberta
and God HATES Alberta
In the long range forcast it won't be 70's....mhmmmmm...until August of 2020

Do I sound bitter????????

Jenny Lynn said...

It was nice to have some warm weather for a change of pace. Glad to see that you had some as well.

Queenie Jeannie said...

Wow! It's been rather cold, rainy and dreary here!!! At least we aren't going on any trips for a bit!

Ann Marie said...


We did lots of playing yesterday in the sunshine! I am going to enjoy all of the sun I can out of today too!

Happy Wednesday!

Furry Bottoms said...

The weather has definitely been wonky this year! :)

Karen Mello Burton said...

Wasn't it a beautiful few days? I am loving it. :)

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

Wow your having our Tx weather. Kind of early for you guys.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I think Alaska got all the snow this year! Enjoy your nice weather.

mCat said...

Yesterday it was high 70's and right now it's cold and pouring rain.


Yvonne said...

We had such lovely weather, yesterday was so cold. But at least NO SNOW!!!

tammy said...

Perfect! We were 77 yesterday but 95 on Monday. That is TOO hot this early!

lesa said...

Isn't this weather random? We had rain yesterday, now sunshine and I'm not complaining one bit!!

Unknown said...

Crazy. I just checked my phone for the weather in Rexburg (I have deets on Tooele, Honolulu and Logan, too) and you guys are at 50 today. That will be OUR high temperature. This, after 80 last Monday. Vanessa was here with me and we went to the new City Creek shopping center. It was actually too HOT to be outside!!

Serene is my name, not my life! said...

This has been a rather okay winter. Not complaining a bit.
Even went so far as to whip out the short sleeves! (dang, i have flapping wing arms)

Thought of you while I was writing my post today! Don't know why, I just.... did. :D