Monday, March 19, 2012


You turned me into a grandma!
We love you!
We are proud of you!
I hope you have a Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to Guen!
Sweet daughter-in-love!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Joshua and Guen. You are blessed with a beautiful family!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Happy Birthday Joshua and Guen.
Wow, is it birthday month at your house?

gigi said...

Awe... you have a 12 year old! Are yall headed their for an ordnation and passing of the first sacrament this weekend?? What a wonderful age!
And I love the Daughter-in-love, perfect and she's gonna make you a GRANDma again, lucky you!

life in red shoes said...

You cannot possibly have a 12 year old grandson!
And you were in SLC?

Liz Mays said...

Happy Birthday to them both!

CB said...

Wow this is birthday month at your house! What a cute boy and, of course, a wonderful new daughter in Love (I love that).
Happy Birthday to both!

CB said...

Is Guen pregnant? (Looking at Gigi's comment).

Saimi said...

I need a Joshua to turn me into a Grandma too! Man girl your family is having a lot of birthdays lately!

Party animals!!

Your son and daughter in law are so cute! I love her dimples!

Karen Mello Burton said...

Aw.... I can't wait to be a grandmother!

" Hit It......." said...

Tell Joshua and your daughter in-law Happy Birthday. How many grandchildren do you have?

btw - you are a very young and cute grandma. Isn't it funny, that after you become one, you don't mind the word "Grandma" anymore?

just call me jo said...

You have so many birthdays lately. How fun! Beautiful family. And they have a beautiful you too.

Barbaloot said...

Happy Birthday to them both! That temple picture is beautiful. And I'm totally jealous of Guen's dimples.

Furry Bottoms said...

I can't get over Guen's dimples!!! She is such a pretty girl! And Happy Birthday to both!!

Yvonne said...

It is so fun being a grandma, isn't it ; )

Happy Birthday to Joshua and Guen.


AiringMyLaundry said...

I hope they had a great birthday!!

wendy said...

Such a handsome young man.
Gosh, I'll have two 16 year olds this year. FRIGHTENING!!!

your DIL's dimples are gorgeous.

Jenny Lynn said...

Happy Birthday to them both. Can't believe you have a 12 year old grandson.

All Our Fun said...

March is such a great month to have a birthday, eh? Winter ending. Spring starting. I, too, am a March baby! Happy Birthday to us all ! WoHoo!

tammy said...

There is just something about the first grandchild.

Yay for birthdays!

Charlotte Wilson said...

You are truly blessed with a lovely family! Happy birthday Guen and Josh!

Thanks for visiting Butterbean Row!

Happy Spring!
