Tuesday, August 16, 2011


The oldest two grandsons.
A FEW years ago:


(Sorry about the picture of you in undies and diapers Josh and Jaren, I couldn't help myself.)


Kristina P. said...

I am sad to see that they are regressing.

Brenda said...

Cute pictures! Boys are a JOY!

Beth at Aunties said...

Boys crack me up...
Grandchildren simply brings the best laughs and simple pleasures of life. Dang, don't they seem to grow up way too fast though? Even faster than our own. Our oldest 3 just turned 12 this summer and started (starting next week ) into YW and YM's. They were in those undies running in the backyard just yesterday...
I am loving all of your fun pictures:)

Julie Harward said...

LOL that is cute and they sure are handsome little guys! :D

Nancy Face said...

What handsome guys they are!

Gee whiz, I'd love to have some grandkids!

LKP said...

hey the undies & diapers pix are part of the whole grandma contract you signed. so, no apologies necessary! :D
cute boys. too cute. better keep mini-me FARRRRRRRRRRR from the 'burg after all, lol!

Yvonne said...

Boys are so fun and GRANDSONS are a blast. Very cute young men. I'm sure you enjoy them and I bet they have such a great time with you.

just call me jo said...

Your grandsons are dashingly handsome devils. I can't believe how fast they grow. My grandtwins are going to first grade next week. Yikes! I love your yard.

Liz Mays said...

In the blink of an eye....

Furry Bottoms said...

The years go by, but their faces retain the same youthful exburance (sp??). I love how they look the same in the face.

Saimi said...

What no undies and diapers, sheesh!

Yep, you're one lucky grandma!!

life in red shoes said...

And all you did was blink :(

gigi said...

Such handsome GRAND-boys you have! I think they may ne mad about those pictures. To make up to them I think you should bring them to visit GA and Florida! Say, like, next weekend :)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Wow, they have really changed are they are both so handsome!

Valerie said...

Awww...so cute!

Connie said...

Handsome young men. It good to see they're wearing long pants today!
Your garden is sure growing nicely!

TisforTonya said...

the undies and diaper picture is a keeper... something to pull out when they start dating :)

Laura Lynn said...

What handsome grandkids! Haha, I bet they love having their diaper pics for the world to see.

wendy said...

Our grandkids....kids...and US.......grow old way to fast.
I have 2 grandsons that will be taking drivers ed this year.
I am terrified.

those were great photos. I love the sign "Garden of Egan" in you um, well....garden of course.

nice to be back visiting you. Now I am going to scroll down a bit and "catch up".
I have missed ya.

Leontien said...

Hm those boys look good! Watch out girls! haha

And i love the undies pic!

Thank you so much for your love and hugs on my post last monday. All of your sweet words sure makes the fight all lot better to handle!


tammy said...

There is just something about boys. Maybe because that's all I know!

Kimmie said...

Such adorable little boys and SO handsome all grown up.

Your yard is the perfect spot to photograph your grandkids. I am a broken record, but I just LOVE your yard!!

I wish we could keep these adorable kids and grandkids of ours younger for just a little bit longer. They are growing up way too fast!!

Your grandkids are SO lucky to have YOU for their grandma...in case you didn't know it, you are SO AWESOME!!

Enjoy your weekend!

Karen Mello Burton said...

It doesn't take long to see massive changes in kids that age! Very handsome kids. :)

Barb said...

I love those kind of pictures! They look so cute in their diapers... :0)
They were adorable then, and they are still cuties!

CB said...

How did I miss this post. Oh Hell you go to a work meeting or two and it throws off you whole blogging life!

Those boys are studly!!!

mCat said...

Nothing like a little kid in is white-tighteys

You just made grandma of the year you know. I think that first pic is def wedding video worthy. Remember that!

Valerie said...

The reason we take underwear/diaper photos of kids is to pull them out and embarrass them with them later in life. It keeps them humble, right? And a great tool for blackmail. Only these guys are so cute, I don't think you could get far with it!

You have beautiful grandchildren!!

DCHY said...

Hehe, great comparison job. I loved it!