Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Apparently I was not supposed to sleep past 1:30 this morning.

Now I'm up for a long 12 hour shift.

Apparently The Garden of Egan had an ill wind blow through the corn.

It's laid flat.

Apparently Mrs Egan is completely unaware that her crockpot lid is not oven proof.

Neither was the plastic handle.

Apparently the family was not supposed to eat the Cafe Rio Pork that was in this crockpot.
Apparently Mrs Egan has also cut her own hair again.
Once again, she should not have.

Apparently Mrs. Egan needs Mr. Egan home.
He is the voice of reason in my apparent unreasonableness.

(Quite possibly I should not be allowed to administer life saving medications today.)


Anonymous said...

Hurry Home Mr. Egan!!!

~Wyatt~Brittney~Brecken~Oliver~ said...

Maybe you should call in sick and crawl back in bed. . . .hibernating is okay in the summer time as long as you have a/c!

Renée said...

What a great way to start my day. I can hardly breathe!

Mrs. Egan, next time plug in that crockpot! I think I gave 3 big ones to DI when I moved. Maybe they have one left for you.

I don't miss the wind for one second. I used to think others just didn't talk about theirs...now I know why.

Those 12 hour shifts are killer, and the thing I miss most about Southeastern Idaho is my hair stylist, Jeanna in IF. I'm trying (after several dismal cuts) to move her here. Let me know if you want info...a good cut will lift your spirit.

Hope your man returns soon...pray for the corn!

just call me jo said...

Mrs. Egan, Mrs. Egan! You're so funny. That crock pot lid is a keeper. Maybe you can make a wall ornament out of it. I hope Mr. E comes home soon before you have any more mishaps. Sorry about the corn. I don't think Mr. E could have prevented that. It's an act of God thing. Thanks for the offer to stay in your guest room. How thoughtful....

just call me jo said...

Mrs. Egan, Mrs. Egan! You're so funny. That crock pot lid is a keeper. Maybe you can make a wall ornament out of it. I hope Mr. E comes home soon before you have any more mishaps. Sorry about the corn. I don't think Mr. E could have prevented that. It's an act of God thing. Thanks for the offer to stay in your guest room. How thoughtful....

g.suzie said...

I thought the rest of your summer
was going to be pretty laid back
and without incident. . .
911. . .Mr. Egan. . .hurry home!

Kristina P. said...

I hoped you used the Flowbee for that haircut!

Connie said...

Love how you keep it real. So sorry you have had such unfortunate events take place. I have had days upon days like that.

Please hurry home Mr. Egan, your damsel is in distress!

Yvonne said...

Let's hope Mr. Egan gets home SOON.

I Elder Rob's hair ONCE and only ONCE when he was little. Never, never, never would I put scissors anywhere near my hair--well, I have trimmed my bangs and always have to apologize to my hairdresser when I do ; )

Sorry about the crockpot.

Kirsten said...

You know, it's funny because I was just going through some bins in our garage where we STILL have wedding gifts and guess what I found?! A crock pot!! It's yours if you want it! I'll even deliver it to you myself! It's not a huge one but it just might get you through that next batch of Cafe Rio Pork! YUM!

Connie said...

Mrs. Egan cut her OWN hair? I have 2-year-old grandkids who do that and it isn't a pretty sight. I'm sure yours is better!

Have you noticed the electrical cord on your crockpot? Yeah, just plug that in and your lid and Cafe Rio pork (sigh) will be just fine!

I'd suggest sending a text to Mr. Egan, asking directions, before you make your next move.

Hang in there, Tauna! I hope everyone survives at the ER today!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Sure it wasn't some e.t. thing visiting your yard! Why did you put in in the over? I think it would be a good idea not to pass out the pills.

tammy said...

Umm...I'm going to have to agree with you on all of this.

CB said...

I feel your pain - truly and completely.

Sorry about your crock-pot (ding dong - ha ha J/K)!!

Saimi said...

Apparently it's not good for woman to be alone!

gigi said...

Lack of sleep makes for a very long day and that happened to me on Sunday night. Three hours makes for a very mean Gigi all day Monday! Yuck and so sorry!

Seeing that lid would have put me over the edge of what little sanity I have left.

Valerie said...

Hope you get lots of sleep and hopefully it help with most other things. So glad you have a sense of humor about it all. :)

Valerie said...

You can't put plastic in the oven? Weird!
I bet your hair looks awesome. At least you didn't pay to have it chopped off. Which is exactly what I did this morning. It looks like I let my 10 year old cut it. Not. Happy.
Hope the rest of your week is great & that your guy gets home real soon!

MZ said...

Tauna Tauna, be glad you do not live in hurricane terrain. Surely one would would have struck today.

Furry Bottoms said...

Aw, not the crockpot! I know they advertise some kind of pots that you can put in the oven. I like those pots. They make things easier!! Mr Egan needs to get home fast!

Leontien said...

OH MY! I thought your crock pot lid was some kind of artsy thingy... hmmm, at least the pic looked really cool!

And i hope you survived this day allright and just remember tomorrow is a new one and hopefully better!

Yes mr Egan come home!!!

life in red shoes said...

Oh my Mrs. Egan, the sun will come out tomorrow ;)

Emmy said...

Oh no! That lid- so sad! Hopefully Mrs. Egan didn't get cut from it.
And I hope you husband gets home soon

Sew A Little Happiness said...

Sorry about your crock pot! I've done some similar things like that in my kitchen. LOL

I hope Mr. Egan returns home soon.
Call in sick and go back to bed.

Thanks for visiting the pumpkin patch!
Have a great weekend!
(Deck The Halls of HOME with JOY!)

Controlling My Chaos said...

Yikes! That Crock Pot lid is really a bummer. The loss of the Cafe Rio pork is even more unfortunate. So what do you do when you can't sleep? Do you lay there and will yourself to fall asleep, or do you get up and do something?

Karen Mello Burton said...

My husband is my voice of reason too, so I hear ya on that one!

Sorry about the crock pot, but even more sorry about the uneaten Cafe Rio pork. Ugh...

mCat said...

Oh my hell - you cut your own hair? WTC lady?

You need a day off and a whole lot of sleep. And Mr Egan to come home and speak reason to you.


LKP said...

oh that is how my whole week has gone as well!!!

Doran & Jody said...

Uh...Just think. Things can only go up from here :)