Saturday, March 5, 2011

Signs of SPRING!!!!!!

How do you know when it's Spring????

Tulips peeking up through the ground?

Uh......yes, I guess NOT.
(My grandpa always used to say that.

Birds singing in the trees?


Never heard of 'em.
How do I know when it's getting close to Spring?

The calendar says so.
(And the fact that I've-had-the-worst-bronchitis-ever-and-missed-a-week-of-work-and-it-serves-me-right-cuz-I've-bragged-about-not-being-sick-once-this-winter.)


Anonymous said...

Oh, I am so sorry that you have been sick...and I am sorry you are seeing no signs of spring. Sure hope you get all well very soon. Hope all that cold weather gets out of there too and you see some nice warm spring weather with lots of birds and beautiful flowers. Hugs

Doran & Jody said...

Oh no fun being a sickie!!
Eat some of your wonderful chocolate and that SHOULD cure you.

I love your cat birds! I have one of those cept she can't climb very high. She is too fat and no front scratchers.

Kristina P. said...

Boo for spring sickies. Blame Mario!

just call me jo said...

The worst bronchitis I ever had was in March in Idaho. I thought I'd die. (I think I got pneumonia that month in Idaho too.) Dang! It was 82 degrees here today. I'm sorry to tell you that. But there are millions of people crawling all over this sunshine. Idaho people are better, even if cold. Get better soon. As a nurse maybe you know some good remedies (or maybe not.)

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said... did NOT have to say 82......really.

Julie said...

Your "catbirds" make me smile! I hope you get better soon, very soon.

Yvonne said...

I know it will EVENTUALLY be Spring.

Sorry you have been sick.

gigi said...

I am just so sorry you have been sick! I should have known. You know I would have made and brought your some of my homemade chicken noodle soup. And then the chicken would have been dead and you would have felt better! Get well now!

Saimi said...

Hey, hey, hey now wait a minute. Perhaps those cat birds of yours actually ate the first birds of spring...ya never know, spring may be closer than you think!!

Sorry about being sick that's no fun at all, not at all!!

Connie said...

Bronchitis? Dang, girl! If you were around my grandma, you'd have a mustard plaster on your chest before you could say, "No thanks!"

Hope you're feeling better. Spring is just around the corner, right? I can feel it! Glad you circled the date. I think we need to all celebrate on that day and maybe it will really happen!

Renée said...

I think your cats are out looking for the birds, just like you're looking for the tulips! Did we ever have summer last year in the burg? It was more like a mild Spring. In Idaho you never know, we've had rain, but some places are warmer than others.

Sorry you've felt lousy. If you have a bad cough, rub Vic's Vapor Rub on the bottoms of your feet and then cover with socks. It's amazing how much it helps! Feel better and stay warm...

Momza said...

we had snow overnight too, but it was 68o the day before!
I've been sick too, finally went to the doc and got some meds to kick it outta me.
Your cat is adowable!

Lisa @ Pulsipher Page said...

I'm sick too. Can't wait for you to see the tulips!

Anonymous said...

Ugh, I am sorry about the bronchitis. Hope you feel better soon.
The cats photo just makes me laugh. What characters they are! It's been fun to watch our cats creep across the new house like there's an axe murderer lurking in the shadows!
Feel better and take care.

Lisa Loo said...

I echo the sad about the sick stuff--especially since I hate coughing cuz I have to cross my legs or I pee my pants. But I'm sure you don't have that problem. TMI?? Sorry.

Love your catbirds--

TisforTonya said...

my sweet H's birthday is on the first day of Spring - and no matter HOW warm it is we're not allowed to say it's Spring until the day actually arrives, on threat of dirty looks.

sorry about the sick... I'm pretty sure that's what two of my rugrats are suffering from right now - but I'm holding out hope that we'll all wake up miraculously cured in the morning so everyone can GO TO SCHOOL!

mCat said...

Sick? Crap!
A whole week of work missed? Double crap!

Hope you are feeling better, and since I remember it snowing the day after my dad died in 1981 (March 30th) I have no faith whatsoever in what a stupid calendar says.

Spring my arse - not until it hits at least 7 and stays there do I dare call it spring

Karen Mello Burton said...

I would take money out of my savings account and pay it to someone in order to have Spring come on time.

jen said...

Heidi said the snow is less deep in Rigby--maybe you should move there. Sorry. That probably was a little mean.

Vern said...

sorry buddy, but your calendar doesn't know you live in Idaho.

Lesa said...

Sorry about sickness.

On the day that you wrote 'ya whatever' is the day I'll celebrate 25 years of marriage. It was a beautiful spring day ...... 25 years ago.

just sayin'

JoAnn said...

Spring in Idaho -- what a crock! Silly calendar.... some nutcase in Florida came up with the "First Day of Spring" date. Eeeeeshk. Brody claims there ARE 4 seasons in ID -- 1) Almost Winter, 2) Winter, 3) Still Winter, and 4) The 4th of July.

Get better quicko! Hope you're getting lots of TLC from Bish!

Hugs, hugs, hugs (as I turn my head from you so I don't catch your nasty illness, thanks. ;D )

Camille said...

Mother Nature decided to send a snowstorm that dumped an extra 3-6 inches in the valley yesterday! Welcome springtime! Sorry to hear about the bronchitis, but at least it makes for some fun Minnie Mouse impersonations? :) get better!

Liz Mays said...

Yep, you can never, ever talk about not being sick. It immediately brings the sick! Not fair!

DCHY said...

My tulips are starting to come thru but we are experiencing a LONG cold snap. Spring, please "sprung" now!

Mikki said...

Cute catbirds.
Here's hoping spring arrives soon in your part of the country!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Oh sweetie, this was the cutest post!!!

I'm so sorry you've been sick. No, fun...I've battle the stomach flu this week. UCK!!!

God bless and have a remarkable day my friend!

Feel better! :o)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

So sorry you were sick, hope your better now. Spring is coming.....

LKP said...

poor you with the bronchitis! yeah, ya know i think i'd take catbirds OVER ratbirds. but that's just me. ;) yeah that calendar can be a liar! we'll get a few warm days, but then a freezing spell of a week or so. it's been the weirdest winter around these parts!
oh and btw, you've won an award on my blog. check yesterday's post for it! ::hugs:: love ya. get better, 'mkay?

Farmer Gal said...

Get well, get well soon, we want you to get well! ;)

Emmy said...

Sorry you are sick :(. I had that cough on and off for two months, so not fun

Nancy Face said...

Catbirds, haha! :D

So sorry about the awful bronchitis! I've been dealing with a miserable sinus infection...not fun!

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

Like Mumsy says WE are sorry no sign of spring and sick on top of it.
Hope by the time you read this you are feeling much better.
Love your pictures of the cat bird. lol
Hang on honey your spring will be there soon
Love ya

Only Girl said...
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Only Girl said...

My place looks the same. The word tulips kinda makes me freaked out. Thats gonna be the flowers at the wedding. But then The First day of spring I should be able & chill. Are you working this week? I need lots of DERM work done and it needs to kick in like over night??? OK so it would have to be magical??? Not gonna happen is it!!
Its ok its all about the BRIDE and she is beautiful. So I will hide behind the tulips.

wendy said...

OH...I should call you next week and see how you are doing. Sorry about the bronchitis.
I am soooo with you on the Ya Whatever, Really, Show Me.....spring thing. It has been the longest hardest winter ever for me.
and many others
winter just sucks...and I can say that cause I want to.
and then tomorrow it is daylight savings time, so we GET MORE TIME, to have it "in our face' that there is nary a tulip in sight.

~Wyatt~Brittney~Brecken~Oliver~ said...

okay so I was there Sunday-Tuesday. . .and it was warmer there than it is here and you have less snow. . . I was even going without a coat on Monday! It was kinda looking like spring. . .kinda. . . .BUT Island Park has all our bumbs kicked . . . it was taller than our car! I am so so sorry you are sick! My mom got the same thing while we were there and is going to be missing a lot of work this week because of it. . .must be in the Rexburg air! Maybe next time I'll be there for pleasure and we can go to lunch!

Furry Bottoms said...

Love your "ya, whatever!" on the first day of spring on the calendar! Heh

Furry Bottoms said...

and feel better, lady!

Leontien said...

hahaha LOVE the pics! thank you so much and i'm your newest follower!


Krista said...

But you still have to turn your clock forward or you'll be late everywhere. I loved the tulips. They look like mine. :)

PS. I've never planted tulips. I would be shocked if they started growing.

Lisa said...

Catbirds ROCK! I send my cat outside and tell it to, "Go get the birds!" She goes flying out the door, and quite possibly, up into your tree. :) She's declawed~no worries.

Debbie said...

I clicked over from reader but now it tells me the post I was trying to read is gone. I hope you are feeling all well by now!

Holly said...

I guess bragging like that does kind of ask for it. Wasn't there any wood around to knock on? Sorry you're sick. I had a bad case of that and sinusitis before our trip and the doc put me on Avelox and cough syrup with codeine. I think it helped... paid enough for it. LOL!

If it gives you hope, we're actually seeing tulip buds breaking through, so it's coming your way! Hope you get feeling better ASAP!! ((HUGS))