Thursday, March 31, 2011


I have a fairly new laptop. I thought I had installed all sorts of protection software.

Apparently NOT!

My Hubs has said words like worms, malware, virus, hijacked.

I do have an iPad.
It's really hard for me to type on.
Because of predictive text.
Predictive text can be entertaining.
It corrects my name from Tauna

Speaking of iPad.....
One of my coworkers bought an iPod touch.
She calls it her iPad mini.
I have a question about that.
Does that make mine a MaxiPad?

Some people can type on these things really fast.
Some people can text really fast too.

I'm not one of them.


jen said...

Thanks for the maxiPad snicker this morning. chuckle

gigi said...

So glad I don't have any mini or maxi pads around here. No regrets there ;-)
Good to hear from you and hope you are getting some sunshine and warmer weather.

g.suzie said...

You are toooo funny, MAXIPAD . . .
only Tauna could come up with
that one!

Queenie Jeannie said...

I feel your pain! I just bought a new tower as mine was so corrupted with viruses, etc that it wouldn't even boot up anymore!!

just call me jo said...

What is it with these virus, worm, trojan thingys? I hate that. Your humor is delightful. Good luck with those pads. Don't insert internally!

Karen Mello Burton said...

You know what I am going to say to this... laptops are so 20th century!

Julie Harward said...

I hate texting too and I still don't have a laptop..that is hilarious about the name change..somehow it fits! LOL

lesa said...

ha it

sorry about the bugs

TisforTonya said...

yes, it does totally make yours a maxi pad... that's actually what keeps me from going that direction...

oh, and the price tag - that's a little deterrent I'd like to eliminate soon...

Saimi said...

Thanks for the laugh!! Haha Maxipad! Haha!! Hey my son who came over got married..go check out the new bride on my blog!!

Kristina P. said...

Thanks for rubbing it in! I don't have an "i" anything! I do have a MyTouch phone, which sounds like it should be illegal.

CB said...

Hey Tauna I was wondering where you were - I have missed you!!
OK did you know you can shut off the predictive text? Well at least you can on my Iphone so I am thinking you can on the Ipad too. It absolutely makes me nuts although I think it might have pegged you right - Ha Ha!!!

Unknown said...

That is too funny ... haven't gone IPAD yet.

Poo-Pourri GIVEAWAY next week, stay tuned. We have all kinds of great products from this company that we sell.


Valerie said...

Darn computers!
I wish my son would turn off the predictive text on his phone! I can never understand what the heck he is texting me!
Tauna=Tsunami...well, you are a tidal wave of energy, right??? I mean~ look at all those Easter crafts you did. :)

Anonymous said...

I had to laugh out loud about the MaxiPad!

~Wyatt~Brittney~Brecken~Oliver~ said...

You crack me up girlie!

Jenny P. said...

Maxipad. Ha! Bummer about your computer though... We had a terrible run in with a virus not too long ago and it about did me in!

Yvonne said...

Here all this time I thought I was done with maxipads, but seriously I don't want to be NOW ; )

I'm not fast on my iPod touch.

Kimmie said...

Tauna you are HILARIOUS!!! "maxi-pad" has had me laughing so hard I think I'm going to pee my pants!!

I have SO missed you! You are such a ray of sunshine and always make me smile!

Hope things are going well. I saw Howard on Monday...felt sad that he was going to be heading off another Taylor Corp mission without his sweet darling wife Tauna accompanying him!!

Hope you had an enjoyable weekend the few days he was home!!

Wish I could send some sunshine your way, but alas, the only music I can hear right now is the wind howling at my windows. I am in such need of some SUNSHINE and warm weather in our neck of the woods!!

Thanks for your friendship and I hope you enjoy the rest of your week!!

DCHY said...

Sorry for the infection. At least you have maxipad to protect yourself with. ;)

Camille said...

oh you have a way with words, my friend! enjoy that maxi pad! :) (I have none)

Connie said...

Hey Tsunami! You're so lucky to have a maxi pad! I'm still working on a desk-top....a virus free desktop! :)

Hope you get yours un-hijacked soon!

Lisa Loo said...

..."She adjusted her maxipad as there was a Tsunami coming"........

weren't we supposed to write a sentence using words from your post??!!

Glad to see you back in blogville!

wendy said...

oh dear.
but...I wouldn't know an IPAD from a Kotex Pad.
so...what are you going to do about your laptop.
Do you think Quadafi hijacked it?? He has been kind of a jerk lately.

and I can kinda see why your predictive text would get Tauna and Tsunami confused....sorta.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Love your thought on the MaxiPad!!
I still have a simple old phone. I want a new one so I can have some features like directions when I'm driving but I know I couldn't type on it.

mCat said...

Of course you are Tsunami! HELLO! Have you met you? The best wave evah!

And does your maxipad have wings? Cause that is super important

Doran & Jody said...

No pads at my house anymore, Tsunami...I mean Tauna. I had that taken care of eons ago.

As far as texting....I got a droid and now do 'swiping' but I still haven't been able to text as fast as I use to. sigh....

Emmy said...

I hate writing blog posts on my iPad, but it is my favorite way to read blogs. So sorry about the viruses. Sounds like you need the rest of the computers in your house to join the Apple side.

Sherrie said...

ROFL... You make me smile! But I am sorry you are having trouble with your laptop virus crap. Hope it gets better soon.

LKP said...

ugh to the 9th power! sorry about all the compy trash lately. no-bueno.
maxipad....hadn't thought of that one. :) hilarious!

Controlling My Chaos said...

I just got the new iPad and I love it. It's my new BFF. I think I'm going to start calling it Maxi Pad in your honor.