Thursday, October 14, 2010

Mode of transportation.

At 5:45 this morning there was frost on the windshield of my car.
Rather than scrape my windshield...



CB said...

I ate my last hand-dipped chocolate with orange cream in the middle today and I cried!

There is not supposed to be frost in the fall what's wrong with your weathermen over there?? Put a spell on them!!
I hope you can ride that broomstick to Brazil - I hear it's warm there and not too hairy!!

Connie said...

I hope you bundled up! You're a bit colder there than we are here!

Heather said...

It has been getting colder! I bet it is even colder there! Love the broom comment! I love Halloween!

tammy said...

Frost? It's supposed to be 94 here tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

You are too funny! It's 42 here this am; our coolest day so far! Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

gigi said...

That is disgusting!! It is 50* this morning and I just threw all my windows open so I could have a bit of fresh air.

Yeah, why don't you ask M-cat where she visit's in Brazil and maybe we could go together for a fun good time next Saturday, I will if you will :0)

~Wyatt~Brittney~Brecken~Oliver~ said...

i hope it has a good heater!

Cluttered Brain said...

Ahh...hand-dipped chocolates sound so good right5 now...
I want some.

witches brooms....*sigh* At least u are a good witch...not a BAD witch by any stretch of the imagination.

Saimi said...

Frost? Ah, it's coming!! No matter how cluttered our garage gets, when winter is upon us, my car WIll fit in the garage.

I don't scrape snow before work or frost for that matter! HA Maybe I should dig out my broom, if I can find it in that garage!

Barbaloot said...

Wasn't the air cold, though. I hate hate hate frost on my car, but I hate even more the freezing face and messed up hair I get from my broom.

Scrappy Girl said...

Frost?! Yuck.

Karen Mello Burton said...

And brooms don't need windshields scraped. Awesome!

Anonymous said...

Hope you remembered your sock hat and mittens...that had to be a pretty chilly ride. Hugs

LKP said...

a broom sounds about right. if you needed to keep warm, a bite or two of your hot salsa would do, right? ;)

seth was soooo stoked to see that i brought some of your salsa home. hee hee, the chocolates didn't make it all the way home. they made it as far as kim's house, andi was nice enough to share mine with her family....and she shared hers with her family as well. but now after that, i want to make some idle isles...which is hilarious since i usually only make them for christmas!

anyhow. enjoy your brisk mornings! atleast you didn't have to go very far. love you to the ends of the earth!


Ann Marie said...

Sorry... Queen's don't ride brooms.

~ And DITTO exactly what Cherie said. I tried to savor each and every last chocolate.

Too bad your trip to UT wasn't this weekend.. it's been 70's..

Please don't bring your weather here next week...

~ Also.. are you coming here in November when Wendy comes? If so.. please come by and see me....:)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Cute! Really, you had frost, that is too soon.

Sherrie said...

Ha ha ha! You are so cute and funny! You made me laugh and thats a good thing, so thanks!

Controlling My Chaos said...

I love that. I have a Halloween t-shirt that says "Have Broom, Will Travel."

Mikki said...

You crack me up!

Why don't you just throw in the towel and move to Vegas? I don't think we ever see frost here!
(well, hardly ever anyway).

Holly said...

LOL!! I can't ride my broom... Hubby would realize that I know where it is and want me to USE it!! HAH!!

Glad to be just a LITTLE south of you... ;p

(((HUGS))) <3

Yvonne said...


Yesterday when I went out to run it was 32--sorry I didn't have my gloves with me.

wendy said...

ha ha, you clever girl.

and a frozen broom between your legs has to be a little uncomfortable I'm thinking.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Yep, we've had several 'hard' frosts down here in our 'frost holler'. That on top of the drought my flowers are lookin' pretty weary.

God bless ya and have a marvelous weekend sweetie!!!

Hilary said...

I am not sad to be missing that Tauna :) I think it was like 80 today??

mCat said...

Oh my poor friend! FROST? BOO HISS BOO HISS!!!!

And yes, Brazil is much warmer. And cleaner. And dryer.

Just sayin.....

Doran & Jody said...

HEY!! I thought I put a copyright on my picture!

JoAnn said...

Frost-schmost. No can do. Just drive with the frost on your windows. You're going to the hospital ANYWAY! :)

Julie Harward said...

LOL..and I bet it felt a little chilly and prickaly too! I am so jealous of that get a way with all the ladies..that looks like a bunch of FUN! Missed you too ;D

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

Good gosh girl you are already riding your broom to work it's not time yet. hahah
Frost and today I was so hot I kept fooling with my air conditioner. What a crazy thing you would think we live in different countries instead of states.
Great post

The Motherboard said...

It's supposed to snow here on Monday.


(I may need to borrow your broom!)

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Just checkin' on ya!

Have a blessed day sweetie!

Kim said...

we've had a skiff of snow the last 2 mornings and now the mountains are looking beautiful. Is your broom handy? Can I borrow it?

Laura Lynn said...

Haha. I hope it wasn't too chilly!

LKP said...

hey woman, i miss you!
our nurse yesterday was great, but all the while i kept thinking she was sooooo not as fab as my tauna!
love you.

LKP said...

i'm your first comment in NOVEMBER!!!! hey any reason to feel cool about me is reason enough.
stay warm.
talk to you soon!
::monster hugs::