Thursday, August 12, 2010

Dear Paramedics...............

When you come to the ER....


Leave your ambulance unattended
the KEYS in the ignition!

Cuz there may be a certain nurse looking
for an escape!

Just sayin'


Kristina P. said...

I will pass along the information to Adam.

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Kristina, I thought about Adam. I would take his ambulance too.
I have no scruples.
If it has lights and sirens, I want it!

Doran & Jody said...

You go girl! Vroom

Barbaloot said...

Come pick me up next time! I've always wanted to ride in an ambulance...but without the whole injured thing.

American Homemaker said...

I got my bentos boxes at the dollar store actually! I'm gonna keep my eyes out for them everywhere I go now :)

mCat said...

THAT is hysterical! Don't they know better than that!?!

Valerie said...

That'll teach 'em! Good thing it was just a crazed ER nurse taking a spin~ coulda been worse! :)

(And responding to the comment you left on my oldest son was disabled in a car accident 4 years ago and has a Traumatic Brain Injury.)

TisforTonya said...

they should count themselves lucky that it was just a crazed nurse... there are lots of other scarier options hanging out in most ERs... of course, most of MY ER stories are from my cousin who works in a Cali. ER... maybe she has more psychos than you? (hopefully)

CB said...

Tauna I just got a great picture in my mind of you draggin' Main in Rexburg!! {giggle} You go girl!!

Karen Mello Burton said...

Your ER, huh? That is a big responsibility! :)

Lisa said...

I hope never to need your services, but if I DO, I'm leaving the keys in my car as payment for your kindly, compassionate care. By the way, my family has officially left your neck of the woods, and are on the way home to me. SO GLAD you never saw them in your ER.

Saimi said...

I'm calling 911, hope to see you soon!

gigi said...

You stinker!! I see the Evil twin Siter coming out in you!!!!

Connie said...

YOU...need an ESCAPE? I wonder what would be worse. ER or EMT.
BTW, you look mighty fine in the driver's seat!

Nutty Hamster Chick said...

Word to the wise, thank you.

Brenda said...

I agree, but if you ever do get away in a ambulance. I'll come along--sounds fun!

Sherrie said...

Thats too funny! YOu always seem to make my day.

Valerie said...

That reminds me of the kids' book Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus. :)

See Mom Smile said...

Ha! I bet you are everyone's favorite nurse. Please tell me you turned on the siren!

Anonymous said...

All those who are privileged to work with you do not know how fortunate the are. You are sooooooooo funny. Now every time I see an ambulance I will be tempted to see if you are driving it. LOL Hugs

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

I always knew you lived on the edge! hahahaha

Momza said...

My kids would LOVE that!
Did ya get to mess with the lights and siren too?
You are too cool for hollywood.
seriously. cool.

Debbie said...

Now that would be some temptation!

tammy said...

I love it.

Yvonne said...

Too fun.

Camille said...

Every ER needs a sense of humor like yours! :) I love it!

Mikki said...

Shouldn't that just go without saying? Surely they know what a temptation it would be to an ER nurse to escape all the craziness!

Homer and Queen said...

I would have taken it,driven off and not looked back. Just sayin". Gotta love Thelma and Louise!

JoAnn said...

You are outtttttta control! Luv it!

Braden Bell said...

LOL. When ER Nurses snap--possibly a new reality TV show?

Julie Harward said...

LOL..that is so funny! Although the one I road in recently wasn't such a good ride..too bumpy! Missed you too! :D

Lesa said...

That is something I'd think about doing but not be brave enough to do :)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is funny. Where would you go?

Laura Lynn said...

Haha - take me with you!

Heather said...

Looks like you have fun at work. :)