Wednesday, June 16, 2010

{Technology} It's Amazing!

I just don't know how I can keep up with all the awesome things out there in the tech world.
I was at work the other day in the ER and the doc had the new iPad.
Completely amazing.

Then I see that my friend Linda got one too!

I mean who wouldn't want one of those?

Then there's this little item.

Isn't she the cutest thing ever?
I know you're all gonna want this.
The iPood

Trust me on this one...she lives up to her what the shirt says!

She also is being contacted by top level executives for her much sought after

Not to be confused with the

or the ever popular

Be watching all those gadget magazines and websites for these HOT items coming soon!
Can I just say it's a blast having a 2 year old around? Cuz it is!


Julie Harward said...

I am laughing out loud...can you hear me now?! LOL That is so flippin cute..that could be a cute book, I'm sure you could go on and on with ideas! The ipad...too too funny! Come say hi :D

Connie said...

2-year-olds are the best! Love her shirt. I bet it is hard to keep up with that little technology!

Sherrie said...

I am laughing so hard my gut hurts! You are just too cute!

LKP said...


Kimmie said...

Technology is A.W.E.S.O.M.E and that iPad is definitely one awesome device!

Tauna, you bring so much laughter to the Blogging world! Your clever and witty writing style is awesome!!

I am laughing SO hard I can't stand it! You really could make that into a book.

Can't sleep, since my hubby is on day four of being away, so I'm up baking rolls so he can enjoy a yummy something when he gets home tomorrow morning. I'm going to be hating life when my alarm goes off at 5:00.

Thanks for bringing a SMILE to my face--I needed that!

Enjoy that cute little grand-daughter of yours. It makes me have happy thoughts of the FUN things that my kids did when they were two.

PS....speaking of technology...Tracy can't believe how many parents are calling him on his cell phone wanting to talk to their sons. We are so connected to people that parents can't even let their kids go to Scout Camp for a week without talking to them. GEEZ, there weren't cell phones when we were kids and going to camp and we survived okay. It makes me wonder how these parents of these boys will survive when their kids go on missions and they only get to hear from them once a week in an email.

Anywho, sorry to ramble. Enjoy your Thursday!!

Linda said...

Oh you are to much girl! Thanks for the laugh...I can always count on you!

Hey, if I worked with you, maybe I wouldn't be going per diem...I'd be having to much fun!

Cynthia said...

That was great! What a little sweet pea!

CB said...

Ok I had to look at that second IPad a couple of times - what a crack up!
That last little bit of technology I have met in person and can attest that YES I do want one of those !!!
She is seriously SO stinkin' cute!!!!

Queenie Jeannie said...

LOL!! Totally adorable!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love this post. I was not expecting to see that adorable little one in a post about an iPad. She looks so precious. I will laugh about this one for awhile. Hugs

Yvonne said...

You are so cute--love it.

She is adorable. I love that shirt ; )

JoAnn said...

Your totally s.i.c.k. sense of humor brought a huge smile to my face! :D tee hee tee hee tee hee! Really, your second i-pad -- oh my lol! Thanks for the morning belly laugh!

Scrappy Girl said...

Oh that last pic is priceless...there's your Christmas card! lol.

I want an iPad.

Happy Mom said...

HILARIOUS!!! You nailed it!

Laura said...

iThink you're a genius. iAlsoThink everyone should have a two year old around, all the time. They put things in perspective and are constant comic relief!

Cluttered Brain said...

LOL! I love the i pood!!! hilarious!!

I love technology AND social media. Now if somebody could buy me an ipad I think I'd like that.

You have a webcam yet?

You have a twitter account?

If you do we could chat LIVE via Tinychat.
I direct message you the link--You click on it.
And then you could see me LIVE.

And I could get others who have Twitter handles to join too.

I'll email you the details.


Can't WAIT FOR next year at Casual Blogger!!!!

Krista said...

I think we should invent a T-shirt that says "IPAD" twice. Right across the chest. Kinda goes with my bra topic. Or for Depends wearers "IPEED." Very cute grandgirlie!

gigi said...

Those are the prettiest, biggest blue eyes ever! Lucky you that you have such a high tech kid to help you through this hard world.

I have plenty of IPads I could pass along if anyone needs some.

Hope things went okay today :)
Love ya.

mCat said...

First off, she is adorable! Secondly I am laughing at the pad!
It made me think of what they gave me in the hospital two years ago. I had a PE - okay multiple emboli and was there for a week. They made me go off my BC pills, so of course a period started.
They brought some weird set of stretchy panties and basically a big pad that could double as a horse saddle.

I kept some just for kick and giggles!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Those are too funny!! I actually want an iPad.

Lisa said...

Ahahahaha! I love it! I thought I was a follower of yours~don't know how I wasn't, but ALAS, I HAVE RIGHTED THE WRONG!

Charlotte said...

The ipood looks like the best choice of the lot!

Karen Mello Burton said...

iPood! LOL

MaroDe said...

How much fun! Thank you for your creativity and heart felt joy!

MaRiN said...

Hilarious! I love the "ipad" and the cute little shirt. I have a two year old in my house that could use a few of those shirts too.

KyAnn (like Cayenne Pepper, only HOTTER) said...

This totally craked me up!!!

Mikki said...

You are SO funny! Love this post.

RatalieNose said...

That second picture