Friday, December 7, 2018


While I was in Denver I made a few trays of caramel and triple nut caramel.
I figured I could get that done and dip it when I get home. 

It is one of the most pleasurable things I do.

It's very calming

Above is the chocolate fondant that I dipped in white chocolate. 
I hadn't done this one before.

The most requested are the orange creams. 
They are my favorite too. 

Howie recorded me dipping.
But I can't figure out how to get it to play. 

Relaxing hobby. 


Julia said...

Wow, that's a lot of sweet for a sweet tooth. They look amazing.
Hugs, julia

Debby@Just Breathe said...

It is so amazing. They look delicious. I'm thinking you should market them!

Marsha said...

I thought you were calling my name when you named this blogs title. Hmmmmm...what would we do without chocolate. I agree with Debby, these look good enough to market.