Thursday, October 25, 2012


Cuz I can't find it.
Probably won't be eating on the patio for a day
or two.

I guess the gardening is done for the year.

So is the canning.
I was canning chicken outside 3 days ago.
It's sorta pretty.
Favorite smell ever.
I also baked 2 DOUBLE batches of banana bread this morning.
I had 12 brown bananas.
Yuk. Who does that?

The girls have that deer chicken in the headlights look.

Yes, I am listening to Christmas music.


Lovey makin' tracks in the snow.
Now she's all snuggled in front of the fire.
So it's cold. And slick. And cold.
Bring it on!


Furry Bottoms said...

You were right yesterday, after all. You did get snow. It's pretty! Be careful when you're out there.

lesa said...

My house looks exactly the same!!

Heather said...

Wow that is a lot of snow! That stinks you were in the middle of canning chicken and now they are covered!

That first picture cracks me up! You are so funny!

Serene is my name, not my life! said...

It's so... sad. *sniffle*

Julia said...

It sure looks clean and pretty but I can wait for a while longer before we get dumped on. We had our first heavy frost this morning. We had a few light frost before.

You've had a very productive day. You banana breads looks lovely. looks yummy.

Time to put my gardens to bed here too. I just hope that I can finish doing that before it snows here too.

I love that heart on your cat's body.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

No way.......but yes it is so beautiful!

gigi said...

You have a wonderfully happy attitude about this white stuff falling on the 25th of October.

I was worried about Elvis and the other girls. Glad to see they are doing well. When it's cold do they still lay eggs?

So who gets the banana bread? Visiting teaching sisters comes to mind. Or payment for someone clearing your drive way for you??

Welll You get snow and I get Sandy! A late hurricane coming up the east coast. We should get some good rain but they are talking about it slamming into New York City and Boston. Scary for them.

Well stay warm and listen to your Christmas Music and enjoy your warm house. My air conditioning is on!!!

Just Mags said...

Wow, you have snow already. Looks like a good one too and it is pretty. That banana nut bread looks and sounds of my favorite kinds. I would be like the chickens if I saw snow here in October. The kitty has the right idea, get out, do you business, get back in and snooze in front of the fire. Hugs

StitchinByTheLake said...

I'm not ready. blessings, marlene

RoeH said...

Sooo pretty though!

wendy said...

Man, I'd love to run over for some banana bread !!!! I hardly ever bake, like practically one to eat it but me and the hubs, NOT A GOOD IDEA.
It's is pretty...SORTA.
Now I am really super duper worried about you...listening to Christmas music AND a cat.
Please tell me it isn't so. for Christmas music. then and THEN ONLY.
Sheeesh...after listening to all of it in Dec. I am OVER IT by DEC. 25th !!

mCat said...

I need some of your happy attitude about the snow to rub off on me. I looked out, saw it coming down (even after FB warned me) and promptly crawled back in bed.

*sigh*.....perhaps I just need some banana bread.

Emmy said...

Wonder if you will be saying bring it on in a few months :). It is pretty- especially in pictures from the warmth of my house

Debbie Jones said...

Beautiful! Looks so warm and cozy at your hosue. Stay warm!

Ginger said...

Brrrrr! And I was thinking our 50 degree high was cold today. :)

Kaeli made her first chicken noodle soup in the crock pot today. At least the snow is forcing her to learn how to cook a few things! lol...

Kerin said...

Wow.. you really got a ton of snow.

I think I'll have to show this post to our daughter.
Now that she's gradutated from
BYU-I, I think she's going to appreciate being in Cedar **hee,hee**.

Stay warm, and keep listening to those Christmas songs!
(I am listening to Christmas music too)

Anonymous said...

It is very pretty and I would be like Lovey - enjoying being indoors.

Momza said...

ahhhhh...I love snow. snow flakes. snow covered trees and snow blakets across the landscape! you got more than we have so's still falling here tho. Bring it, I say, too.

Saimi said...

Oh my! It's tooo soooooon!!!! My son called me today and told me it had snowed...he was planning on mowing his lawn this weekend...Hmmm I guess that won't be happening!

Yep, your chickens are thinking 'what the heck!!' no more fresh bugs!

Your bread looks divine! I'm also a huge Yankee candle fan!

" Hit It......." said...

You really got a lot of! I guess fall is over. Dang, your banana bread looks so good. I need to make some too.

Unknown said...

Your backyard patio furniture looks like ours! But we moved the BBQ into the garage a couple years ago... I can grill all year long! Wahoo!

Did Lovey take a walk outside and change her mind? That's what Lola Dog initially did. Then remembered that with snow fall, there's lots of frozen treats in the yard now and has been out eating her "Popsicles" (feel free to add an extra "o") Why do dogs do that?

I keep hoping it will melt. Not only am I driving again this weekend, but we need to rake the yard and put that patio furniture away!! Augh!

Sherrie said...

Yikes! I am so glad I don't have to live with snow anymore. It got so old! But it is very pretty. Thanks for sharing the photos.

Karen Mello Burton said...

I really wish we had a fireplace!

Nancy Face said...

I would love more than anything to look out my window and see that beautiful sight! (But not until Christmas Eve!)

We listened to Christmas music while on a road trip three weeks ago! It made us so happy!

Mikki said...

Brrrr! That looks cccccccold!

Such a cute kitty!! I do love the heart on his side.

12 brown bananas?? Sounds like the words to a Christmas song.
When life gives you brown bananas....
Ok, it's clearly too early for me to be trying to make conversation.
Keep warm!

Renée said...

Whoot-whoot, just in time for Halloween! How well I remember and it is so pretty. I'm trying to miss it still. Hugs from Boise!

Barb said...

I hate to admit it, but I really loved the snow we got!! I especially love it because I know my husband won't be driving out to the site this year . . . or ever!!

Banana bread looked delish, and I'm sure it tasted just as good as it looked!


Jenny Lynn said...

OH have quite a bit of snow. Glad I sent my daughter some warmer winter clothing recently.

I think it is awesome that you are burning a great smelling candle and listening to Christmas music.

tammy said...

It is pretty. At least for the 2-3 days I was in it. Now I am happy being back home where it's 60 degrees and sunny :)