Friday, April 22, 2011

Dear Earth,

Happy Earth Day!
Today I am going to go jog on you.

Then I'm buying you some Midol.


Julie Harward said...

Maybe you can find some Easter eggs along the way...Have a good Easter! ;D

Kristina P. said...

Right? Yes, I think she is definitely PMSing.

Barbaloot said...

It maybe took me a second to get the Midol joke. I'm so clever...

Renée said...

:) Midol? Maybe by May...I think you're still too early. I've seen snow at the 4th of July parade. Now that I'm thawed-out, I have clear memories...hope your Earth Day run was delightful and chin up girl...August is coming!

Hugs and Happy Easter

Lisa Loo said...


Chocolate might help too......

Anonymous said...

You are oh, so funny what a gift of humor you do possess sweet friend. I think I have to agree with you on this for sure. Hugs!

mCat said...

Oh my crap this is hysterical!

But start being nice to yourself dammit.

Sherrie said...

Yesterday I was basking in the sun and 50 degrees and then a freaking weird and nasty storm blew in and dropped several inches of snow and ice. As I write this I notice it started to snow AGAIN! Like you, I am SO DONE! Mother nature needs to listen and mind her children!

Yvonne said...

Our snow is almost gone--ALMOST.

Have a nice Easter.

CB said...

Oh man I am so sorry! Florida is on it's way my dear!

Happy Easter!!

CB said...

Oh and the Midol - Ha Ha at first I thought - really Tauna still needs Midol - then I looked again - ha ha good one!

Karen Mello Burton said...

You go, girl!

Anonymous said...

Just think Florida!

Wishing you a very Happy Easter.

Saimi said...

Looks like snowshoes are in order!

tammy said...

Oh this made me laugh!! You tell her!

Liz Mays said...

Take that mother down!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I'm thinking it's the h*ll of menopause!

Happy Mom said...

I'm starting to wonder if you guys are ever gonna get spring this year!

Connie said...

I'm proud of you jogging on Mother Earth during her time of transitioning in to Spring! (You know, in the snow)
Happy Easter!

Queenie Jeannie said...

Hugs!!! I hope spring finds you SOON!

Happy Easter - Buon Pasqua!

Ann Marie said...

Your headed to Florida? For reals?
Why am I the last one to know?
Maybe because I'm a on-line slacker/reader.. haha

Hope you get to warmth soon! XO

Debbie said...

I'm embarrassed to say that it took me awhile to get this but then - you are funny!

Victoria said...

Hahahaha... hate to mention it (okay, I don't) but it is 75 and sunny here right now. Hmm.

life in red shoes said...

Is that snow? Because seriously, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

gigi said...

This is such a sad post. I am wishing your trip to the fun and sun of Florida gets here quick enough! And I so wish I could get motivated to jog or slog or walk or crawl or anything on Mother Earth!

Krista said...

At this point I'm thinking Immodium might not even work. But Midol - that was a good one!

Shauna said...

Stopping by with love and hugs :)

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

Honey I am so sorry that you guys are having snow still it is just so hard to believe.
I wish I could send you some of our weather.
Thanks so much for such a sweet comment about all my pain. I just wish I could blink and this would all go away...and your snow too.
Love ya

Cluttered Brain said...

Yay! The sun is shining!
And just saying Peanut M&M's are AMAZING.
And I didn't get the IHC job. no worries, I'll get something with more hours soon...

JoAnn said...

Oh my goodness. You.are.such.a.delight.

Your perspective makes me giggle and chortle! Although if it keeps snowing, I may need morphin. Midol ain't cutting it.

Brenda said...

Wishing you many days of beautiful SUNSHINE!