Monday, April 27, 2020


I would say I want normal life back but I don’t want the old normal.
I want a better normal.
I have loved seeing people reconnecting with what really matters.

I’m tired of the empty shelves and panic buying, but I have also seen incredible kindness and giving from friends and strangers to one another.

My work has been disrupted. The ER has been quiet so much so that our hours are being cut.
Between that and Howie being laid off my stress level has been through the roof.

We will be fine. Thank goodness for no debt and plenty of food storage but there are so many that can’t say the same.

I miss normal.

I have taken care of a covid positive patient and another that I swear would be a positive. But tested negative. Younger man admitted and is now on the ventilator. Waiting for a second test to come back. False positives and negatives do occur.

I miss my kids.
Saturday we drove to Utah to see Matt and family and Lynsey who drove from Denver.
It felt good.

This has definitely put things in to perspective for me. There is so much fluff in life. Things that don’t matter.

I hope my perspective stays.
I hope that things that matter are the important things.
Like these two little miracle babies. 
They are perfect. 

Beautiful daughter-in-love Tara. 

They have a beautiful home and have made us feels so welcome. 
The twins and Lillian in Aunt Lynsey’s lap. 
This is just what I needed. 
My soul is fed. 


Deb J. in Utah said...

Yes, I agree that we need to make our "new" normal, a "better" normal, and focus on the most important things. So glad you were able to get together with your children. Have a good week and stay well.

Saimi said...

What a wonderful trip, theres nothing like being with family to fill the soul glad you were able to go. It is a crazy time and the future is so unsettled right now. I too am thankful we are debt free and have food storage. I know we will be fine but I think of the world our grandkids are growing up in and I hope they will be fine. Those twins have really grown and are so dang adorable, it's nice toes them laughing and having a good time.
Hang in there!

Julia said...

Oh wow! Those twins have grown big and lovely. I'm so glad. God is good. Sorry about the stress that the situation is bringing in your lives.
Like you we are debt-free and have plenty to eat but I feel bad for those who have been living beyond their means. It's a hard lesson to learn because they are not used to living with just the basics. You are so right, there is a lot of unnecessary stuff we don't need. When we have too much, we depend on ourselves too much and not enough on God to give us what we need.

Stay hopeful and safe.
Hugs, Julia

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I'm so happy you got to visit with them. I'm so worried about the future. I know God is my side but I am one of those people who can't go out and I won't be able to go out for awhile. We have done a distance visit but it's not the same but at least we can see James and he can see us. I'm still trying to believe my dad passed away. Watching a service streamed is not the same as being able to say good-bye in person. I have hives right now because of a whole bunch of stressful things right now. Sorry for the rant. You take care and stay well. Praying for you.

Kerin said...

Darling family you have there, and I love that you had time with them!!
There are truly many blessing ... being debt free, having food storage, etc..

I am certainly missing being able to go to the temple right now.
So thankful for sunshine, gardening season, etc..

Sending {{hugs}}