Monday, June 25, 2018

Events and Memories

Last week (the 23rd) Howie and I celebrated our 40th Wedding Anniversary.
I have no idea how that happened.

It was like I blinked and here we are!

We didn’t do anything fancy.
We just celebrated being together.
I couldn’t help but ponder how close we came to not being together.
I’m so thankful for each and every day.

On the 14th I made a “quick” trip to Denver to see the babies.
I took my daughter in law Tara and had so much fun with them.

This is the first time I have gotten to hold them both.

Tara and I admiring them. 
Still so tiny. 

Hello Baby Doll!

The monkey doesn't seem to be quite so big anymore.

Side by side...they still look different.

Tara just loves babies. 

It was so wonderful to see them all and I got to hold both of them!!
They are still in the NICU.
They still have trouble doing the suck-swallow-breathe thing.
And the both have been having bradycardic episodes as well.
The neonatologist reassured us that this is common for these little preemies.


Debby@Just Breathe said...

Happy Anniversary. We celebrated ours on the 24th and my dad's 95th birthday on the 25th. The babies are so cute. I will continue to pray for them to move past these issues so they can go home soon. They have definitely gotten bigger.

Julia said...

Aww, those babies are just so precious and I'm amazed that they are doing so well. I'll keep them in my prayers that they continue to get bigger and stronger.
Happy Anniversary to both of you. The 50th will come even faster, believe me.

Hugs, Julia