Monday, November 28, 2011

He's 80!

We celebrated my dad's 80th birthday yesterday.
How is that possible that he's 80?
In my profession 80 is ancient.
Often I'll be taking care of patients in the ER that are much younger than my dad and have poor health.
80 sounds old.
My dad seems young.
Maybe it's cuz he's immature.
Mom is 76 and Dad is 80!
He's sold cars,
he could sell manure to a bull.
No lie.
He was so good at selling "stuff" that he decided to go out on his own.
When I was in high school he went to Auction school.
He did extremely well in that business.
Traveled all over the country doing auctions.
Huge ones.
I still can't understand a thing he says.
But I do know I've bought a bunch of stuff I didn't want just cause I was brushing away hair from my face.
Here he is auctioning at a family reunion. I bought a single can of Pepsi for $20.00!
He's an awesome grandpa and my kids all have great memories of fun they've had with him.
Happy Birthday DAD!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to your Dad!!!

What great photos and a fun post to read about his auctions.

Barbaloot said...

What a fun dad! My dad is 72 and I'm always shocked when I meet other people that age cuz he does not seem to fit into their same category.

Kristina P. said...

Awww, what a cute guy.

JoAnn said...

So the immaturity is a genetic thingy then. Okay. ;)

Happy Bday to Tauna's papa! The time I got to hear him be an auctioneeeeeeeeer at the RS event, I was completely and totally impressed. I really wanna learn to talk that fast. If only I could that fast....

JoAnn said...

I mean *think* that fast. Apparently, I can't type too fast either.

Connie said...

A Happy Birthday to your Dad! I hope you're celebrating big time!
He must be good to auction off a can of Pepsi for $20.00! Either that, or you like to give money for a great cause! Both are commendable.

Valerie said...

Your dad sounds like a great guy!
Happy Birthday to him!!!
I'm thinkin' you were lucky to only spend 20 bucks on that Pepsi. :)

Connie said...

What a great dad you have had. Hmmm, I wonder where you get your quick wit and funny personality from??? Happy Birthday to your dad.

Saimi said...

What a wonderful man!!! A big HAPPY Birthday to your DAD!! That auctioneer business takes great skill, I'm impressed!!

LKP said...

happy birthday, tauna's dad! you MUST be a remarkable guy considering you've got yourself one remarkable daughter! ::hugs::
he should come auction stuff off at our fam reunion next year! maybe then i could finance the shindig, hee hee hee.

just call me jo said...

Happy 80th to your dad! He's cute just like you.

CB said...

Wow 80 and he definately represents someone who has lived a good life! I love that he auctioned off stuff at the family reunion that cracks me up!
My BIL is an auctioneer (he does vehicles mostly) and it is really something to watch.
Happy Happy birthday to your dad - He looks so happy!!

Emmy said...

Happy Birthday! I didn't know there was an auction school! That is awesome

Furry Bottoms said...

$20 for a single can of pepsi!!!! You made me giggle. Your Dad sounds like a great guy! :)

gigi said...

You sound like a daddy's girl! I know I sure am and there ain't nothin like my daddy! Cute pictures of your cute daddy! 80 years is just awesome!! You come from good stock!

Kerin said...

Happy Happy birthday to your dad!!

Sounds like he's a terrific dad, grandpa, husband, and friend!!

The world is a better place for having him in it :)

Colleen - the AmAzINg Mrs. B said...

What a cutie-pie! Happy 80th..and I beleive it's all in the sttitude..good for him..and good for you. the look of your holiday blog!

Doran & Jody said...

Oh what a fun daddy!
Makes me miss mine.
Happy birthday to yous daddy. Make him an Oreo cookie with toothpaste for the frosting!

Queenie Jeannie said...

Happy Birthday to your Dad!!! And lucky you for having such a great one!

ain't for city gals said...

Yay Happy Birthday to your Dad!! Looks like he is still trying to get top dollar on things. To receive a home made pecan pie in the mail...unbelievable!!

Liz Mays said...

You make me want to meet him! Happy Birthday to your fun-loving dad!

Anonymous said...

What a great post about your dad. Happy Birthday to him!! He does not look 80. All that fun he has keeps him young. Hugs

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

Happy birthday to you Dad! He sounds like he is the type of man everyone loves to have around. Quite handsome too--I sincerely love the hat.

Yvonne said...

Happy Birthday to your dad.

LOL at the can of pepsi comment ; )

BTW, 80 sounds pretty young to me.

" Hit It......." said...

Tell your dad "Happy Belated Birthday." You are so lucky! My dad is 64 and looks 84. He is also in poor health.

mCat said...

What a sweet post! And yeah, I have totally bid on crap I had no intention of bidding on because I itched or something dumb thing like that. Thanks goodness, it was only cake at the cubscout auction : )

life in red shoes said...

Sounds like quite a guy!'And you and I should not be allowed at auctions, I bid against myself :(

Karen Mello Burton said...

My parents are in their 70s. Man, how does everyone get old except me? So weird.

AiringMyLaundry said...

Happy Birthday to your Dad!

Great pictures!

wendy said...

TAUNA...I love your dad. I love immature people (I soooo relate, tee,hee)
I love that he made you (with some help from your momma)
I see where you get your spunk and siilliness, yet ALL YOUR GOODNESS TOO.
I hear ya about autions, We go to several out here in red neck land, and Barry always tells me, sit very still...don't wipe your nose or nothin' or we might be coming home with a John Deere somthing.

AND.....what a doll that GiGi is. A PECAN PIE. why, fiddly dee.....tomorrow's another day, maybe I can put in a request for MINE.
I LOVE PIE....better then cakes, or practically anything (except nooky perhaps...ha ha ha)

I am a BIG failure as a friend. I haven't done nuttin.......sent nuttin.....I am poopy.

love ya though, you little honey pie

Julie Harward said...

I can see where you got such a big personality! ;D I love a man like that. sounds like the men in my family. Nice to have a celebration! :D

Unknown said...

Good for Dad! Noting like a young mind to keep one going. Love your story.

Have a lovely weekend ~

tammy said...

(Did Wendy just say nooky?)

Happy Birthday to your cute dad! I really want to go to an auction that has cool stuff, but I'm afraid the competitiveness in me and my desire to have to have something would cost me way too much money.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Happy Birthday to your dad. He sounds like a wonderful person.
Time does fly.

Laura said...

Oh, I love this! He looks like so much fun! My dad wasn't an auctioneer, but I remember going to tons of auctions with him, and have tons of wonderful auction memories. I once bought an old-fashioned bed pan (I didn't realize what it was) because I wanted the silverware that was inside. Yuck!