Wednesday, October 5, 2011


First off, let me start by saying
I love my days off!
No doctors.
No hospitals.
None of that jazz.

Who's Myrtle?

Myrtle is my sweet mother in law.
She'll be 91 in two weeks.
She's an amazing woman.

She had 10 children.

Thirty years ago she buried her husband.
Within 5 years of the death of her sweetheart,
she also buried four of her children.

She's never lost her faith, her sense of humor and her kindness.

For the last month or so I've been going to Pocatello, about 80 miles away and taking her to various doctors and having various tests so she could get clearance for a new knee.

So on my days off..
I've been around doctors and hospitals.

Today I wait in a WAITING ROOM.


Because that's what you do here.
Unless you're blogging.
(But there is no BLOGGING ROOM.)

We've put on a lot of miles over this last month, Myrtle and I.

Her other family has been out of town/state/country.
We've visited and laughed and enjoyed ourselves.
It's been a joy.
And a privilege.
My sweet nearly 91 year old Mother in Law.
Not a wrinkle on her face!
Waiting for her new bionic knee.

Her Cardiologist wants to see her in 3 months.
He wants to race her.
But she had to promise to give him a head start.
Love you Dr. Stutts!

So here I am
In a Waiting Room.
Being with other patients and families.


In a different hospital than my own.

It is interesting having the tables turned.
Deciding if I like Myrtle's nurse.
Is she nice?
Is she gentle?
Is she good at IV's?
If she isn't will I be nice?

(She was good, so I didn't have to smack her see if I was going to be nice or not.)

I've discovered a universal truth as
I've spent hours and miles during all this medical stuff.

"Sometimes doctors are NOT jerks."
.......but sometimes............


Kirsten said...

You're a wonderful daughter-in-law! I hope my daughters-in-law will take care of my like that someday!

Wow! I can't believe how much Howard looks like his mother! Love it!

Queenie Jeannie said...

God sees your many kindnesses and it will be added to your reward in heaven!

My son has already threatened to stick me in a home! I think I'm worried. LOL!

Kristina P. said...

Awww, she is adorable! And what a great daughter in law you are. I don't know if I would be so generous.

just call me jo said...

I'm glad the nurse was nice and you didn't have to smack her. You ARE a good DIL. Good luck on the knee, Myrtle. My grandma's middle name was Myrtle--Goldie Myrtle. It's such a solid name. I know she'll beat the doctor in that race.

Momza said...

Well looks like Myrtle and you are each a blessing to the other. This is the good stuff of life, I'm pretty sure. You're winning your gold star for sure! And you're right--some doctors are not jerks. They're usually easy to spot too!

Barbaloot said...

What an impressive woman! And I'm talking about both of you:)

Lisa @ Pulsipher Page said...

You're the best DIL! No wrinkles that's amazing!

Anonymous said...

Myrtle is beautiful and I pray she does just fine. I know she is so grateful to have you with her.

Glad you didn't have to smack anyone, too!!!!!

jules said...

A new knee at 91!! What an amazing lady....

mCat said...

Go team MYRTLE!!

At 91 - they are actually doing a new knee? She must be in amazing health and strong! *raising my diet coke in salute to her*

And now I have to go back to your FB post, because now it makes a hella lot more sense

Connie said...

What a beautiful woman, she doesn't look a day over 65. You are a very special person to give up your days off to serve your mil.
Good for you for not smacking the nurse too.

gigi said...

Myrtle is a lovely lady. I hope her and her new knee will love each other lots! I'm sure she just loves having you as her DIL! I know I would :) But then wait, you're my Blister!
Keep'em straight my friend! And good luck to the MIL!

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

She's a beautiful lady. It's amazing all she's been through, especially losing children. What a blessing you are to her. I'm glad you have refrained from far. :)

Liz Mays said...

I want to hang out with you and Myrtle! (even if it has to be in a hospital)

Barb said...

Hi Tauna!

What a blessing you are to your sweet mother-in-law, and what a blessing she is to you!! She is just beautiful, and she really does look so young! You are so lucky to have such a wonderful relationship with her.

My husband's nick-name for me is Myrtle! I certainly hope I can do as well as your sweet mother-in-law!

You will both be in my prayers.


Julia said...

Wow, Myrtle looks like quite a wonderful lady and so pretty. He has peace written all over her face. What a sweet heart.

So you're not a hooker! he he. Thanks for your comment just the same. JB

Anonymous said...

lucky lady, to have a wonderful daughter-in-law! hope all goes well getting a bionic knee! God bless her, and you!

Renée said...

Wow, you MIL looks so much like your husband, and amazing beautiful. Bless you for your kindness and I smiled as I've thought of how many times I've had this very Nurse vs. DR conversation with my 3 RN daughters! You make me laugh!!!!! Hang in there.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Your little MIL is simply beautiful. She certainly doesn't look 91! I've been takin' my MIL to doctors and shoppin'. It takes time baby!!!

God bless and have a beautiful day sweetie!!! :o)

Julie Harward said...

She does look like an angel...wishing all the best for her! ;D

Saimi said...

She's a lucky lady is so many ways but she's very blessed to have you for a friend and a daughter in law!

Vern said...

My very first poem published in my "All About Me" journal goes like this:

I have a turtle named Myrtle.
She doesn't wear a girdle.
She walks around in her underwear
and that's why I love Myrtle.

True story.

One Fantastic Housewife! said...

How great! My grandparents are 90 and 88 right now and they just seem to keep going and going! Cherish all that time you spend with her. I love the stories my grandparents tell...and they LOVE to tell stories of the past.

Anonymous said...

Aww what a sweetheart!,you and MIL!

Laura said...

What a sweet time with a sweet lady. I hope she enjoys her new knee!

Ann Marie said...

91? Wow. She has aged well.

Just when I think you can't be any more amazing.. you prove me wrong.

I hope you are blessed every minute for your charity!!!

Kim said...

Reading this post, tears are gently guiding down my cheeks. I love your descriptiveness and as a nurse I too see if my family and friends are being treated well.

Monday I took a gal from our ward in to the hospital for a knee scope. Everything was smooth and great until we stumbled or better yet had "Nurse Gennie." She is a BCEN (board certified emergency nurse) if you didn't already know, I didn't and she was "old schooled!" I mean military like old schooled. She also been around quite a few blocks and when my friend/lady in the ward needed to void, Nurse Gennie wouldn't let me stand outside the door, NOPE!! had to stand in there and watch her void.

So, for whatever reason this story hit home and I now see that as we serve, as we go sit and wait in hospitals or doctors offices together we have some great experiences that draw us closer together, even if it's awkward watching your neighbor void, so that when we are on the other side we will have something to laugh at.

Have a great day. We have our first sign of winter--SNOW!!!!

Love you

Unknown said...

I love the pic of your MIL--it makes me miss my mom SO much!

lesa said...

She is a cute little lady!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

She looks amazing. How wonderful that you have been able to spend time with you. What a strong woman she is. So sorry for all the sadness she has been through. I helped my aunt for two years after her husband passed away. Took her everywhere she needed to go. She passed at 91. My mom passed at 56 so being with her was an experience I would never have with my mother. God Bless you for helping your MIL. Hope she is doing well with her surgery.

CB said...

Oh that is soooo sweet Tauna!! She does not look 91 at all.

I hope all goes well with her knew replacement - that doesn't sound fun at all, especially at her age.

BTW how you doing over there with your winter??

LKP said...

i heart you.

tammy said...

I want to know what the secret is to no wrinkles! And also living to that age (is it because she hasn't had a man in her life?) ;)

Karen Mello Burton said...

She just LOOKS awesome.

Buried four kids in 5 years? WHat the...?

Yvonne said...

Wow--she is 91??? SHE LOOKS FABULOUS. You are such a wonderful daughter-in-law.

I hope she does well with her new knee.

You are so funny ; )

wendy said...

What an amazing lady. To loose her husband...then later 4 children. Some people are VERY strong.
I have a looooong way to go (BUT, I am not asking the Lord to give me trials to get there)
if that's the case, I'll just stay weak.
I bet it would be different looking on the "other side" of the medical community eh.
You would be fun to talk to in a car and visiting rooms.

I love love love my earrings, and LOVE YOU even more.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful lady your sweet mother-in-law is. I pray she goes through the surgery with flying colors and enjoys her new knee for many more years. She has a beautiful daughter-in-law and I bet she knows that too. I have often wondered what the medical facilities look like through the eyes of doctors and nurses. Glad you didn't have to take on that nurse. lol Hugs

ain't for city gals said...

Yep, there are good doctors and not so good doctors..I have found that out with my dad. Luckily, we have had all good ones. The one thing I will not tolerate are doctors or nurses being mean or rude to my dad...I speak up in a nice way (at first) Everyone deserves respect...especially those who are just not feeling good. I have to laugh a little seems I like the doctor a little bit more when he has good news....a little less when he tells us things we don't want to hear.

Connie said...

I'm sure your MIL absolutely loves being with you! I hope all goes well with her and her bionic knee.