Don't ya hate when you want to sit down on the couch
and there isn't any room
cause someone's
hogging the space?
Ya, me too.On another note, one of the cutest ladies I've never met tagged me on her blog.
Mumsy is truly DARLING! Go check her out!
I'm supposed to tell five things I won't leave home without.
Then I'm supposed to tag five people to do the same.
OK, five things I won't leave home without:
My purse.
You can click on the picture if you want to and you'll see a quarter I taped to the door, for comparison purposes.
That thing is massive and there isn't anything that I can't put in it.#2:
Imitrex.This is a miracle drug for migraines. I get a migraine probably about 20 times a month. Perfumes will get me everytime. I keep Imitrex in my car, my first aid kit, camper, church bag, locker at get the picture.
Dental floss.I can't STAND things in my teeth. I must floss 3 or more times a day.
I sorta start to hyperventilate if I can't find any.
Carmex.If you've ever heard that it's addicting, well it's true. I need an intervention.

My phone.Not because anyone ever calls, but because it has a camera on it.
I may or may be guilty of taking pictures of people at WalMart.OK, now that I've read that I realize that I might not be as normal as I thought.Mumsy said she never leaves home without her husband. I thought that was so cute!
I would love to say that.
But considering he's been gone for the last four weeks, that would mean I wouldn't have ever gotten outside to
enjoy this beautiful sub-zero weather.
I am passing this on to 5 people.
Wendy. Because I can't resist! And I'm a giver.
Connie. Because I want to know if you are abnormal too!
(Please be abnormal!)#3
Keeley. Because she's young and I wonder if I carry more/less than her.
Gigi. Because she seems to be so put together she wouldn't need a purse.
Ann. Because she has little kids and I bet it might have a binkie in it.
It will be fun to see what other people come up with.