Tuesday, July 17, 2018

ANOTHER trip to Denver

After we got back from our family reunion last week, I immediately had to work for 3 12 hour shifts.
It made for a long week.
I had to look at this picture frequently to remind myself that we 
did have some together time at the reunion.

I finished my shift on Thursday evening.

On Friday early morning I picked up Candice and we drove to Denver.
10 long hours in the car.

But it was completely worth it.

Lucy is still in the NICU.
She's still having trouble getting enough nourishment so she has a feeding tube through her nose.
They will have her drink what she will, then they finish putting the rest through the tube.

She's still an itty bitty mite, but almost 6 pounds!

Here Candice is holding her little niece while Lynsey finishes the feeding.

Little Miss Lilly has been home for about 2 weeks.

Big yawn!

Candice loved holding them both!
We all wish they lived closer so we could snuggle and spoil to our hearts content!

Lynsey called me today and told me that the doctor was going to let Lucy come home tomorrow!!!
85 days!
Now I wish I were there all over again.


  1. I can see why you want to make the long trip to Denver to hold those babies. Such a fantastic news that Lucy is finally coming home. Thanks for sharing those pictures. Those little girls are so special.
    Hugs, Julia

  2. Now that sounds like a perfect visit. The babies are so cute. Hooray, that is great news on Lucy. That will be so wonderful to have them both at home, no more going to the hospital. 85 days!!!! God Bless them.

  3. What a little angel!! I'm so glad that she is home, what a blessing for your family. Cute pictures!! It's so hard to be far away from your kids, especially when they are going through trials with their babies. So glad all is well! Hugs and Love to you.

  4. I need to catch up on reading your blog, but it looks like you have new twin grand daughters in Denver. Such a blessing! I love it! I am back in blogland and will be checking back in to see how those babies and the rest of your family are doing. Love from UT!

  5. So happy to hear that you were able to go snuggle that little sweetie and that both of those precious babies are now home. Hugs and blessing to all of you.

  6. Oh my goodness what a delightful trip - the girls are really growing and how exciting they get to be together again - I feel for you it’s hard to be away when there are babies to snuggle and kiss!!
